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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
George Bitar, MD
Juviderm Voluma XC A New Long-lasting Facial Volumizing Filler Approved
Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

Juviderm Voluma XC A New Long-lasting Facial Volumizing Filler Approved

Juviderm Voluma XC is the newest member of the injectable facial filler family of products marketed by Allergan Aesthetic Inc., a leading manufacturer in the facial aesthetics industry. This new filler is a modified version of the hyaluronic acid class of fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that is naturally occurring in our skin, joints, and eyes.

The nature of the molecule allows for natural filling of depressions and wrinkles of the face with an excellent safety profile and long lasting results. Juviderm Voluma XC contains larger molecules of hyaluronic acid and is specially cross-linked to enhance the longevity of corrective results. The product is the first of its class approved by the FDA for restoring volume loss of the “mid-face” or cheek area. While other fillers have been used in this area, this is the first filler to undergo rigorous clinical studies in this application.

For patients, this means that Juviderm Voluma XC has been tested and found to be safe if used in this manner. The product restores volume to the cheek area of the face lost during the natural aging process, improves contour and provides a subtle lifting effect. Clinical trials showed that participants felt that they looked on average five years younger at six months after treatment and three years younger after 24 months after treatment. The average patient had 6.8 ml's of filler injected into the cheek to achieve optimal contour correction lasting up to two years after treatment.

Since the product contains lidocaine, injection is comfortable. Side effects are minimal, including temporary swelling and possible bruising. One of the most appealing features of this new filler is that it is reversible like other fillers in its class but much longer lasting. To date, patient satisfaction with this product to date has been very high and it represents yet another choice in the tools available to safely rejuvenate the face without surgery. For additional information about Juviderm Voluma XC visit
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