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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Adriana Munoz, Owner
Do You Get “Winter Skin”?
Miracle Hands

Do You Get “Winter Skin”?

Winter can affect your skin, making it itchy, dry, dull and irritated. It might feel like there is no way out: cold, blustery winter conditions leaving your skin feeling raw. While indoors, heat zaps moisture from the air and from your skin.

Things that we truly enjoy, for example sitting around fire, could dry our skin. Even a hot shower strips some of the natural oils away.

There are simple ways to combat the causes of dry skin to leave your skin moist all season long, including simple everyday routines like taking a not-so-hot shower, apply heavy moisturizers, etc.

10 Tips For Healthy Winter Skin

  1. Invest in a humidifier in the winter. Set it to around 60%, a level that should be sufficient to replenish the top layer of the skin.
  2. Limit yourself to one 5- to 10-minute bath or shower daily. If you bathe more than that, you may strip away much of the skin’s oily layer and cause it to lose moisture. Use lukewarm rather than hot water, which can wash away natural oils.
  3. Minimize your use of soaps; if necessary, choose moisturizing preparations such as soap-free cleansers. Steer clear of deodorant soaps, perfumed soaps, and alcohol products, which can strip away natural oils.
  4. To avoid damaging the skin, stay away from bath sponges, scrub brushes, and washcloths. If you don’t want to give them up altogether, be sure to use a light touch. For the same reason, pat or blot (don’t rub) the skin when toweling dry.
  5. Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing or washing your hands. This helps plug the spaces between your skin cells and seal in moisture while your skin is still damp.
  6. To reduce the greasy feel of petroleum jelly and thick creams, rub a small amount into your hands and then rub it over the affected areas until neither your hands nor the affected areas feel greasy.
  7. Never, ever scratch. Most of the time, a moisturizer can control the itch. You can also use a cold pack or compress to relieve itchy spots.
  8. Use fragrance-free laundry detergents and avoid fabric softeners.
  9. Avoid wearing wool and other fabrics that can irritate the skin.
  10. Have a special moisturizing and replenishing skin treatment done by a professional.
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