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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sharon Jentzer, Captain, USN (Ret.)
Celebrity Beauty Secrets
Jentzer Wellness Institute

Celebrity Beauty Secrets

Have you ever wondered how some of the most beautiful celebrities keep themselves looking so vibrant? Admittedly, they can have the luxury of a personal trainer and personal chef but the key concept to take away is that they actually put a priority on their health by working out and eating well. Many entertainers have such a hectic schedule that they may also choose to add high quality nutritional supplements to their diets.

Moderation is the key to success. Since your eyes are often bigger than your stomach, use a small salad plate to help keep your portion sizes small.

For exercise, don't start out planning to enter the next Ironman Triathlon. Instead, get creative and work in a little exercise into your existing daily activities. If you would like to experiment with exercises that you have not tried before, take a class or hire a trainer to get you started properly so that your workouts are effective, efficient and safe.

You don't have to be a celebrity to look vibrant. Even with limited resources you can add simple exercises to your daily activities. With a very inexpensive pedometer you can find out how many steps you walk daily. Then commit to adding 100 more steps each day. It won't be long before you are walking 10,000 steps each day, which could satisfy your body's aerobic exercise needs.

When it comes to eating healthy, I'll be the first to admit that my talents do not reside in the kitchen. However, you can add raw fruits and vegetables to your diet even if you don't have the time or inclination to cook. Pop a handful of raw, unsalted almonds into your mouth instead of a candy bar next time you get the afternoon munchies. You will be giving your body some much needed protein, calcium and healthy fats to boot.

If you can never seem to eat fresh fruit before it is well past its prime, buy a bag of frozen mixed berries next time you are at the grocery store. You don't even need to break out the blender for a smoothie to enjoy these colorful gems. Just let them thaw slightly and you can eat them au naturel.

Celebrities don't corner the market when it comes to living well. You can add vibrancy to your life one day at a time. As Virgil so aptly declared, “The greatest wealth is health.” So live well.
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