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Sridhar Dronavalli, MD, FAAD
Brown Spots How Can You Treat Them?
US Dermatology Partners

Brown Spots How Can You Treat Them?

Brown spots, commonly known as age spots or liver spots, are termed solar lentigo (plural lentigines) and usually appear in middle age people on the face and hands of affected individuals. They are common in people with fair skin, but are also frequently seen in those who tan easily or have darker skin. Lentigines usually persist for long periods of time and do not disappear in the winter. It is important to distinguish the harmless solar lentigo from an early melanoma (a common type of skin cancer); a dermatologist will be able to distinguish these types of lesions for you.

Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun is the primary cause of brown spots. UV light causes increased production of melanin, which is the pigment that gives your skin color. After many years of exposure to UV light, melanin gets clumped in certain areas of the skin, resulting in brown spots.

The best prevention for developing lentigines is avoiding the sun and wearing sunscreen. At the minimum, you should wear a wide-brimmed hat while in the sun, and avoid being outside during the middle of the day. Sunscreen should be broad spectrum, meaning that it should block both UVA and UVB rays.

Treatment for lentigines can be very effective. Prescription bleaching creams can be used on a daily basis over a period of several weeks to help lighten brown spots. Bleaching creams often contain combinations of hydroquinone, steroid, and retinol.

Chemical peels, containing either trichloroacetic acid or Jessner's solution, can be used on a monthly basis to help fade these age spots. Certain lasers, specifically the Q-switched Nd YAG or Q-switched Alexandrite laser, target the pigment in brown spots and can help fade these lesions over the course of a few monthly treatments. Liquid nitrogen can also be used to freeze the skin of an age spot, resulting in rapid lightening of brown spots.

Brown spots can be cosmetically undesirable. Your dermatologist can recommend the best treatment strategy to fade your brown spots. In addition, a dermatologist can also ensure that your brown spots are not concerning for skin cancer.
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