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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sharon Jentzer, Captain, USN (Ret.)
Beauty Secrets For Your Skin
Jentzer Wellness Institute

Beauty Secrets For Your Skin

Skin is one of the most fascinating organs in your body. Its long list of superlatives include being your largest organ, the only organ both completely encasing the rest of your organs on one side, completely connected inside your body, while the other side is completely exposed to the elements.

It is designed to protect you from things outside your body, and at the same time, it is semi-permeable, allowing chemicals to flow both into and out of your body. We value its beauty, without acknowledging that it is truly an incredible engineering marvel.

Most of us think of our skin as something akin to clothing that adorns us. We only think about what we can see the outside. We treat it as if it were a shrink-wrapped raincoat covering us, repelling whatever happens to fall upon it. We also expose it to all sorts of potentially harmful chemicals in the lotions, and make-up we deliberately apply to it, not to mention toxic chemicals we use at work and at home. Have you read the labels on these products lately? It's downright scary! What's a body to do?

First, and foremost, acknowledge that your skin is part of the overall system that comprises you. Your skin isn't tacked onto you. It is part of you, from the inside out. That means your skin needs what the rest of your body needs as part of a healthy lifestyle. Your skin needs you to get adequate sleep every night, eat well, exercise, and even to learn how to reduce your stress. Healthy skin starts from the inside.

When you reach for skin care products, read the labels. If they have artificial preservatives, you many want to be careful. Many of these preservatives can cause allergic reactions. Also, when using harsh chemicals such as most household cleaning products, wear gloves.

Remember, your skin is semi-permeable. It absorbs some of what it comes in contact with. You might not feel the effects right away, but over time, the chemical exposure takes its toll, not only on your skin, but on the organs below your skin, and potentially your whole body.

Want to get rid of those worry lines in your forehead? You could try to hide them with filler creams or make-up, or stretch them out surgically.

You could also learn how to reduce your stress. What could be more beautiful than serenity?
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