Acupuncture Clinic of Maryland
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Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-7866
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Acupuncture History In the U.S. Governor Wallace's Influence
Acupuncturists are celebrating the 40th anniversary of acupuncture's journey to America. There are several famous people's names and efforts that are being brought up as advocates of acupuncture in the United States Former President Nixon visited China and started a relationship between the two countries; Former State Secretary Henry Kissinger's many trips to China made Nixon's trip possible; and New York Times Journalist James Reston wrote an article about his experience in Peking, which brought China, and acupuncture to the public's attention.
However, many people forget, or perhaps they're not aware, of another famous person four-term Alabama Governor, four time U.S. presidential candidate, and many times acupuncture patient George Wallace. In order to have a better understanding of Governor Wallace's influence between politics and acupuncture, we should review the U.S. political history for the last four decades.
A well-known historian, Theodore White, wrote The Making of President 1972. This book, theorized that the presidential re-election of Richard Nixon was assured thanks to the shooting of George Wallace. Nixon feared Wallace, who nearly succeeded in his quest to deny both Nixon and Democrat Hubert Humphrey a majority in the Electoral College in 1968. If Wallace won the 1972 Democratic Nomination he might have won outright. Wallace ran for U.S. president in 1964, 1968, 1972 and well as 1976. In 1972 he ran as a Democratic Candidate, upsetting the political establishment by winning the most primary votes of any candidate. That was until five bullets stopped him and his national aspirations cold.
The shooting took place on 5/15/1972, while he was campaigning in Laurel, Maryland. Wallace was paralyzed in both legs, suffered severe back pain, and various discomforts from the shooting. He started strong pain medications, and tried different medical procedures, as well as acupuncture treatment. He was one of two U.S. Governors who received acupuncture treatment. The scientific community did not approve of acupuncture in the 70's, however Wallace explored this ancient healing art without skepticism. His decision brought acupuncture to the nation's attention.
Many people disagreed with Wallace's political philosophy. He represented the independent party for presidential election in 1968, split the Democrat's majority voters, and either directly or indirectly helped Nixon win the presidency. Without Wallace's political involvement, Nixon would have lost the election, and his trip to China may not have been possible. Acupuncture practices in this country could be totally different today if not for Wallace. His name should not be absent from the acupuncture history in the U.S.
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