Ageless Impressions Plastic Surgery Institute
11300 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20852
(301) 468-3458
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A Real Solution To the Diseases Of Aging
Our nation is facing a health delivery crisis that has significant potential to bankrupt us. Baby boomers are rapidly developing the diseases of aging including heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis at the very time their productivity is decreasing through retirement or disability.
Physicians and scientists have a moral and ethical obligation to provide only therapies shown to be beneficial, as well as to raise public awareness of beneficial therapies and to expose treatments with no proven benefits or disproportionate risks. Yet, there are thousands of anti-aging companies, organizations, and health experts that offer the latest in unproven ideas and products for sale. Most ignore a treatment with a 70-year history of restoring health, vitality, and happiness to both sexes.
I hope this article stimulates your interest in learning more concerning the science of bio-identical time release testosterone implantation for women and men for the treatment of what is best termed relative androgen deficiency (RAD).
The Evidence-Based
Medicine and Science
RAD occurs when the serum testosterone levels are insufficient for an individual's needs. It is a common disease of both women and men that usually starts in their 40s and 50s, but can occur at younger or older ages.
RAD is outwardly manifested by a decline in one's general health and vitality (often termed menopause or andropause), and is accompanied by various physical, mental, and emotional declines. Epidemiological studies have shown a strong correlation between low testosterone levels in men and women and their respective mortality rates.
In particular, correlations exist between low testosterone and heart disease, diabetes/metabolic syndrome, breast and prostate cancer, atherosclerosis, osteopenia, depression, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, increased visceral fat, cognitive failures including spatial orientation, balance, and mobility, loss of libido, hormone related insomnia, vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, and thermodysregulation (hot flashes).
Many of the above listed diseases have been shown to be prevented, improved, or cured with bio-identical testosterone supplementation. At a time when our nation's Medicare health expenditures are leading us toward insolvency, a therapy that significantly increases the healthy functioning and productivity of its aging citizens should be our highest priority.
The answer to our patients' and nation's problem has been hiding in the science literature in plain sight for 70 years.
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