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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
George Weston, MD
4 Plastic Surgery Secrets That Plastic Surgeons Only Tell Their Friends Until Now
Austin-Weston The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

4 Plastic Surgery Secrets That Plastic Surgeons Only Tell Their Friends Until Now

Cosmetic surgery is all the rage, from the celebrity glamour to the alluring before and after photos, everyone wants a little, or a lot, of plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons share their thoughts with each other and here are some of their secrets.

1. The key to good cosmetic surgery is in the head, not the hands.

The art of cosmetic surgery relies on a surgeon’s ability and skill with their hands; the technical ability of an artist. The planning and decision-making process can have an even larger impact than what the hands can do. Beautiful execution of a great plan yields the most satisfied patients.

2. Happy patients help plastic surgeons to sleep at night.

With so many wonderful patients singing our praises, we should be walking on cloud nine.And the reality is, just the thought of an unhappy patient will keep your surgeon up at night. Plastic surgeons work to be sure every patient is a happy patient.

3. The best way to look young is by preventing yourself from looking old.

Ask anyone in their 40s, 50s or 60s who looks younger than their actual age about aging gracefully, and they’ll have the same advice take care of your skin and protect it from the sun.With damaged skin comes the appearance of fine lines and age spots associated with age. To repair existing damage, you may need a chemical peel or some skin laser resurfacing.

4. Bigger is not always better when it comes to implants.

Many times, patients will say that bigger is always better when it comes to implants, but this isn’t always true. Breast implants are not a three or six-month journey. Many patients who have breast implants will only need one operation in their lifetime, so choosing the right size may not always mean going with the largest size. As you can imagine, as 20-something women age, they will appreciate that larger breasts aren’t always better.

Don’t miss the next article from the Surgeons at Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery for more Plastic Surgery Secrets Next month in Your Health Magazine.
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