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Joseph M. Arzadon, DDS, MD
3 Ways That Facials Benefit Your Skin
Northern Virginia Surgical Arts

3 Ways That Facials Benefit Your Skin

Facials are a classic, popular spa treatment touted as a way to keep your face looking healthy and young. But, what is it about facials that makes them such an effective skincare option?

Let’s take a look at three specific, proven ways that facials can benefit your skin’s appearance and overall health. From reducing acne scars to fighting the signs of aging, this is one spa treatment you need to try if you’re worried about wrinkles, blemishes, or anything in between.

Facials Help Eliminate Acne Problems

Even though your teenaged years might be long behind you, acne is still a problem that some adults struggle with long afterwards. Even with the numerous creams, medications, and other treatment options available, it can be a challenge to find something that works for you. But the answer just might be a simple facial.

Salicylic acid (which is commonly used in a medical facial) has been shown to reduce both acne flare-ups and the appearance of acne scars. Similarly, glycolic acid, which is another common ingredient in facials, can smooth out acne-scarred skin and reduce the size of your pores.

Facials Slow the Signs Of Aging

While you can’t avoid getting older, you can avoid the wrinkles and sagging skin associated with it. Facials are a simple, yet effective way to reduce the damage done to your skin in the course of everyday life.

Aging signs occur for two primary reasons. The first is that, as we get older, our bodies reduce their production of collagen – a protein that promotes smooth, young-looking skin. Secondly, UV rays and other sources of oxidative stress damage the molecular makeup of our skin. Thankfully, facials address both of these problems.

Facials Promote Hydrated Skin

If you’re dealing with persistent dry skin and all the problems that go along with it, facials can be a safe, effective way to restore moisture.

Specifically, chemical peels have been shown to slow the loss of water from the skin and increase the production of sebum. This is a naturally occurring, naturally moisturizing oil produced by your skin. When it’s present in the right quantity, it can reduce the appearance of flaky, dry skin.

Now you know why facials are one of the most popular medical spa treatments. What are you waiting for? Schedule your facial today and enjoy the many benefits.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130