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5 Best Ways to Curb Your Drinking 
Your Health Magazine

5 Best Ways to Curb Your Drinking 

<strong>5 Best Ways to Curb Your Drinking </strong>

Photo credit: Image by bridgesward from Pixabay

Over the years, drinking became a widely accepted social activity. Some people also turn to alcohol to relieve stress or use it as a temporary cure for their insomnia. However, excessive drinking can lead to serious and adverse consequences that can destroy your life. It is important that you learn how to drink wisely and more responsibly. Here are five simple tips that can help you reduce your alcohol consumption.

Evaluate your current situation

While limiting alcohol intake is always a great idea, you first need to assess your current drinking condition. Will controlled drinking work for you, or should you quit altogether? If you feel that you’ve been highly dependent on alcohol, it would be best to seek professional help. Reach out to a doctor or trained counselor so they can refer you to a credible and trusted treatment center such as Southeast Detox, you can check their offerings here

Set realistic drinking goals

Start a drinking journal and write down the number of drinks you plan to consume within a day or week. Remember that your drinking goals should be feasible, measurable, and geared towards improving your overall health. Check the recommended drinking guidelines as experts highly advise that men should only consume two drinks or less per day and one drink or less for women. Take note that these limits depend on several factors, such as your current medical condition and age, so be sure to consult with your doctor first.

Know your triggers

Certain places, activities, and people can increase your urge to drink. The next time you feel tempted, try to examine your environment and emotional state. It is critical that you are aware of your triggers so you can avoid them at all costs. For instance, if your workmates often pressure you into drinking after office hours, do your best to stay away from them or learn how to say no politely. Or, if you tend to associate specific scenarios or events with drinking, devise a plan to efficiently manage them. Knowing your triggers can save you from reaching for a bottle when you otherwise might do so.

Keep yourself busy

If drinking has become an integral factor in your life, look for other activities that promote self-care and can serve as healthy alternatives to alcohol. Start a new hobby, learn a new language, enroll in a yoga class, go for a run, play a musical instrument, or connect more with your family. Instead of wasting your precious time drinking, devote yourself to doing something productive.

Reach out for support

Curbing your drinking is not an easy feat. You need to surround yourself with people who can support you in this journey. Inform your friends and family members of your decision to become healthier and soberer. If you are uncomfortable asking for help from your loved ones, consider joining an online support group instead.

Making the conscious decision to reduce your drinking entails dedication, hard work, and the right attitude. Remember to be kind to yourself and not let setbacks keep you from attaining your goals.
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