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Why the Chances of Disability or Death Are Scarily High in Truck Accidents
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Why the Chances of Disability or Death Are Scarily High in Truck Accidents


Sharing the road with massive eighteen-wheelers, or tractor-trailers, can be an intimidating experience. Their size alone makes them a real danger in a crash. And that fear is justified.

Truck accidents are much more likely to cause serious injuries, lifelong disabilities, or even death than crashes between regular cars.

You should contact a truck accident lawyer if you’ve been rendered incapacitated due to the negligence of the truck driver. Even if the truck drivers themselves are not directly responsible, other parties can be held liable for your pain and damages. A competent attorney will help you figure out who these parties are, and help you hold them accountable.

Why Truck Accidents Always Have Catastrophic Consequences

Here are some reasons why the chances of death or disability are scarily high in truck accidents:

The massive size of the trucks

The sheer size of these trucks is the primary reason for the severity of accidents they cause. A typical car weighs around 3,000 to 4,000 pounds, while a loaded tractor-trailer can be a staggering 80,000 pounds; this is literally twenty times heavier.

Now, imagine these two vehicles colliding at high speed. As expected, there would be a powerful exertion of force in that collision.

Basic physics tells us that the lighter object (the car) will take the brunt of the force in a crash. This is because it absorbs most of the impact and will likely crumple under the truck’s weight.

Because of this, the car’s structure will be catastrophically damaged. This can lead to serious injuries or even death for the occupants.

The difference in their stopping distance

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Large trucks take much longer to stop than cars. A car going 60 mph can stop in about 120 to 140 feet, while a truck needs almost double that distance, around 200 to 250 feet.

This vast difference in stopping distances creates a dangerous situation on the road. Even if a car driver spots a hazard and slams on the brakes in time to avoid a crash, a truck driver following closely behind might not be able to stop in time. This can result in a high-speed rear-end collision, causing serious injuries or even fatalities.

Deadly cargo

Trucks don’t just pose a risk because of their size, the cargo they carry adds another layer of danger. If a truck crashes and spills its cargo, the situation can become much worse.

Trucks may carry hazardous materials like chemicals, flammable liquids, or even compressed gases. If these materials are involved in an accident, they can cause fires, explosions, or release harmful toxins.

Even cargo that isn’t inherently dangerous, like lumber or steel beams, can become deadly if it comes loose during a crash.

These loose objects can turn into dangerous spears that pierce other vehicles or even pedestrians on the road. This is why it’s crucial to ensure all cargo is secured properly before a truck takes off.

Driver fatigue and negligence

Truck drivers have demanding jobs. Tight deadlines can lead them to get tired, which can be dangerous. Drowsy driving, speeding, and getting distracted are all big causes of truck accidents.

There are laws limiting how long a truck driver can drive, but some break these rules. On top of that, some trucking companies care more about making money than safety. This can mean they don’t fix their trucks properly or train their drivers well enough. These careless actions put everyone on the road at risk.

How a Lawyer Can Help Victims of a Truck Accident

Truck accidents can leave you hurt and confused. Don’t face the aftermath alone. A lawyer can be your champion. They’ll fight to get you the compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

A lawyer will also deal with insurance companies and complicated legal stuff, so you can focus on healing. With a lawyer on your side, you have a stronger voice to hold the right people accountable for what happened.

Seeking medical attention is always the first required step after a truck accident. Contacting a truck accident lawyer should be the next thing you do.

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