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Technology in Nursing Homes: How Tech is Improving Care and Communication Within Nursing Homes
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Technology in Nursing Homes: How Tech is Improving Care and Communication Within Nursing Homes

<strong>Technology in Nursing Homes: How Tech is Improving Care and Communication Within Nursing Homes</strong>

The Future of Nursing Research states that besides taking on additional responsibility, nurses must become proficient with technology and information systems. Since nursing is an information-based profession, technology is critical in facilitating nurses’ access to information to support their decision-making while providing care.

One of informatics ‘ primary objectives is utilizing technology to boost productivity, make healthcare safer and more efficient, and enhance quality and results. Clinical decision support tools, such as automated measurement tools, point-of-care alerts, links to evidence-based standards of care and clinical guidelines found in the electronic health record, and graphs showing trending critical parameters, have been developed as part of nursing practice to improve regulatory compliance.

Predictive Analytics

Beyond treatment plans, predictive analytics enables healthcare professionals to analyze patient data quickly, which saves valuable time and improves patient outcomes. For instance, AI may detect the need for a blood test sooner than a human could, leading to faster test collection and, ultimately, quicker results.

Predictive analytics is a new technology in nursing that holds great promise for improved patient outcomes. With the aid of artificial intelligence (AI), predictive analytics considers data from past patients to suggest a course of treatment with the best possible outcome.

Clinical Mobility

“Clinical mobility” describes how medical staff use portable digital devices like computers, tablets, and cell phones in clinics and hospitals. The enhanced mobility that these devices offer across the facility allows healthcare providers, like seniorsite.org, to create a new, convenient point of care that is tailored to the specific needs of each patient or family member.

Mobile Robotic Systems

In addition to caring for patients, nurses oversee various routine duties, such as taking vital signs, administering medication, maintaining accurate records, and communicating with patients’ families.

Because of the ongoing nursing crisis, it is now more complex than ever for nurses to manage demanding on-the-job duties and prioritize enough time for direct patient care. Fortunately, the topic of mobile robotics offers several workable options.

Remote Patient Monitoring

The ability for patients to engage in their treatment from home, providing psychosocial advantages and allowing nurses to be informed of any changes in their patient’s health, makes remote patient monitoring (RPM) an indispensable new technology in nursing. RPM employs technology to communicate patient health information to clinicians and patients instantly.

The Bottom Line 

Virtual visits save time for both patients and clinicians since they eliminate the need for an in-person appointment and the associated trip. Telehealth sessions are typically easier to book compared to in-office appointments due to their increased availability. These visits also usually have cheaper overall costs because the patient only needs to provide a quiet space in their seniorsite.org house, and the practitioner only needs an office. 

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