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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Trish Smith, MAc, LAc, Dipl Ac, ADS
5 Element Acupuncture and Women's Wellness
The Copper Bowl Deale
. http://www.thecopperbowldeale.com/

5 Element Acupuncture and Women's Wellness

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese Medicine that is helpful to a woman's wellness, particularly in the area of reproductive health. Whether it's hormone balancing, issues of fertility, reduction of cycle symptoms or menopausal symptoms, acupuncture can support a woman no matter what her age and phase of life.

The school of 5 Element Acupuncture operates on the premise that we are a part of nature and nature is a part of us. That is to say, being a part of the whole, we too exist according to the laws of nature. Just as the moon has a cycle, so does a woman. 5 Element Acupuncture looks at a woman depending on where she is in her specific stage and phase of her life and treats her according to those specifics to support her at a body, mind and spirit level.

For example, a prepubescent female may need help in support of building her blood and Qi (energy). A girl entering puberty may need assistance in balancing her hormones and decreasing the symptoms of PMS such as acne, irritability, pain and fatigue.

A woman during her fertile years who may have challenges conceiving may use acupuncture as a tool to become pregnant. Acupuncture is also used throughout pregnancy and in assistance with labor and delivery.

Women who are pre-menopausal may need assistance with hormone balancing. Menopausal women often have symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats and dryness that can be significantly reduced with acupuncture.

No matter what the age or the issue, acupuncture can help a woman throughout her life and cycle as peacefully and easily as possible.

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