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NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Anne Arundel County

NAMI Anne Arundel County is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the quality of lives of individuals affected by mental health conditions and providing support for their family, friends, and caretakers.

NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots organization, dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental health conditions. They provide support, resources, advocacy, and education for raising awareness, fighting stigma, and inspiring hope.

NAMI Anne Arundel County offers the following FREE evidence-based programs. Each program is peer-lead, meaning that all facilitators have lived experience dealing with the mental health system.

NAMI Family Support Groups: For those living with or caring about persons with a mental health condition. It provides a caring
atmosphere to share experiences and assist others with strength and skills.

NAMI Connection Support Group: A support group run by persons with a mental health condition for others affected by a mental health condition. It allows all participants to learn and share experiences in recovery.

NAMI Family-To-Family Class: An 8-week course for families and caregivers of an adult with a mental health condition. It discusses the
clinical treatment of mental illnesses and teaches the skills needed to cope more effectively.

NAMI Basics: A 6-week course for parents, caregivers and other family who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are
experiencing mental health symptoms.

NAMI Peer-To-Peer Class: An 8-week course for individuals with a mental health condition. It teaches understanding of the illness, relapse prevention, and empowerment.

Other programs include In Our Own Voice, Friends and Family, Ending the Silence and quarterly educational programs open to the public.

To view dates, times and locations of all upcoming programs, visit:

Please consider joining our organization as a member, a volunteer or member of our board.
Our spring fundraiser, NAMIwalks will take place on Saturday, May 20, 2023. Visit our website to sign up or become a sponsor.

For more info:
NAMI Anne Arundel County Helpline: 443-569-3498 (Not a crisis line)
website: www.namiaac.org        info@namiaac.org

If you live in a county other than Anne Arundel, contact your local NAMI affiliate to learn more about the programs they provide.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130