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Kevin Jack
Tips To Take Care Of Your Newborn

Tips To Take Care Of Your Newborn

Tips To Take Care Of Your Newborn

Being a parent to a newborn is an extraordinary experience. However, this experience can also be overwhelming and draining.

For first-time parents especially, returning home with a newborn can be a little nerve-wracking. Suddenly, the dream you had in your head is now a reality with a crying, starving, wriggling infant in your arms, and it’s your responsibility to take care of it.

But the good news is that you’ll probably do fine. Raising a newborn can be challenging, but most parents learn quickly and have great instincts. By following the tips below, it won’t take long before you realize that taking care of your baby is second nature to you. Here’s what you must do:

Visit the doctor regularly

During the first year, your baby will visit the doctor frequently, getting regular checkups and vaccines. The newborn first visit usually takes place within 1-3 days of your baby’s discharge from the hospital.

After that, the process will vary from doctor to doctor. But in general, you should take your newborn to the doctor two weeks to one month after birth and then every other month. By visiting your baby regularly, you will ensure they grow normally.

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, make an appointment immediately. Don’t ignore the symptoms, as they may be severe. Some symptoms like excessive drooling, fussiness, or seizure are connected to birth injuries. And it should therefore be treated accordingly. If you think your child has sustained a birth injury because of medical negligence, visit online resources such as to gather more information. These organizations will assist you in finding out the legitimacy of your case and help you seek compensation and justice for the baby.

Holding your new baby

The size and fragility of your newborn might intimidate you at first. However, with a few basic techniques, you will soon be able to hold them more confidently.

Make sure you give your baby as much head and neck support as possible when holding it. Baby’s head should rest inside your inner elbow, and the length of his body should rest on your forearm. The outer hips and upper legs of the body should be supported by your hand, which should rest over his chest and abdomen. Ensure your baby is held snugly, and give them your full attention.

Alternatively, you can place the baby’s tummy on your chest, holding his body with the same hand, and supporting the baby’s head from behind with the opposite hand.

Feeding your baby

Newborn babies feed frequently and little. So, as you can imagine, feeding your baby will take up much of your attention. Your baby will likely need to eat eight times a day during the first few weeks.

If you recognize the early signs of your baby being hungry, you might be able to help them feed more calmly. Frequently feeding your baby can be exhausting, particularly at night. So be sure to take care of yourself and rest whenever you need.

No matter if you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, check out related articles. They provide information on preparing, supporting, and determining if your baby is eating well.

Keeping an eye on the contents of your child’s nappies is also a good idea since this will let you know whether your child is getting enough milk and is healthy.

Bathing your baby

For help with giving your baby their first wash or bath, ask a midwife at the hospital for advice. You can also ask to show how to keep the umbilical cord stump clean and dry until it falls off within one week.

You don’t have to bathe your baby right away. All you need to do is ‘top and tail’ them every day. It means washing their faces and bottoms. To prevent scalding, always check the water temperature with your hand first.

Using skin care products, bath soaps, or medicated baby wipes on a newborn is not a good idea. Instead, wash them with water and cotton wool in the beginning. This will be less harmful to their sensitive skin.

Comforting your baby

Babies typically cry for two hours a day during their first three months. While it may be shocking, it’s also natural. If you want to comfort your baby, find out what is causing her discomfort first. Does your baby seem hungry? Has your child had gas? Is it time to change diapers? Do you think it’s time for a nap? Or is the noise, lights, or activities overstimulate your baby? Several simple tips on handling a new baby can help you deal with the situation calmly.

If your baby is sleepy or overstimulated, gently rock her while holding her shoulders. Sing or speak softly to your baby, and reassure them with your calm voice. You can also calm your baby by rubbing her back. You should try different positions to find the most comfortable for both of you.

It is normal for your baby to have limited mobility in the first few weeks and may cry for assistance when lying uncomfortably. By gently shifting your baby’s position, you can help her feel more comfortable. To ensure your baby’s safety, lay the baby on their back when sleeping.

Changing your baby’s diaper

Whether you use cloth or disposable diapers, you’ll need to be a diaper-changing expert. Whichever method you choose, make sure you decide before bringing the baby home, and expect to change your baby’s diaper about ten times a day.

Each time your baby poop or the diaper gets wet, turn your baby to their back and take out the dirty diaper. Use water, cotton balls, or a washcloth to gently wipe the genital area of your baby.

Diaper rash is another common concern you must be wary of. You can apply an ointment to heal it. However, change your baby’s diaper immediately after each bowel movement to prevent this.

Get Help if needed

During your stay in the hospital, talk to your doctor and other specialists. Hospitals often have feeding consultants or lactation experts who can assist you with breastfeeding or formula feeding. A nurse can also teach you how to hold, soothe, burb, dress, and care for your baby.

When it comes to in-home help, consider hiring a baby nurse, a doula, or a teen from your neighborhood to support you. Your doctor or hospital can provide information about in-home help and refer you to a home health agency.

Often, relatives and friends are eager to lend a hand. Even if you disagree with them on some things, you shouldn’t ignore their experience. However, if you don’t feel comfortable hosting guests or have other concerns, you don’t have to feel guilty about restricting visitors.


Being a parent to a newborn can be challenging, and feeling anxious about it is normal. However, don’t worry; soon, you will develop a routine and get the hang of parenting. Still, If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask your doctor about the resources to help you and your child grow up together.
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