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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Joan Posey, LMT, HTCP
Healing Touch For Breast Cancer Patients
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals

Healing Touch For Breast Cancer Patients

One of the many benefits from a Healing Touch (HT) session is symptom relief from chemotherapy and radiation. HT is a heart-centered energy therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional Western medicine to help manage the side effects of chemotherapy treatments such as fatigue, nausea, pain and loss of appetite. As an holistic approach, it addresses not only the physical condition, but the emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well.HT provides the patient with deep relaxation, rapid recovery from surgery, and the ability to tolerate procedures.
The bio-fields of breast cancer patients are often disrupted and congested.This causes a lack of energy flow that interferes with life.Breast cancer's prevalence has prompted many HT practitioners to seek ways to assist with this serious illness.Practitioners use their hands to unblock energy much as acupuncturists use needles to achieve the same effect.This can reduce pain levels up to three points on a scale of 1-10 and a decrease in anxiety of 6-7 points.Energy is hard to define because you can't see it, but you can liken it to going into a room where there is a really negative person.You will usually feel the same.However, if you are around a person who is positive, upbeat, and optimistic, that energy causes you to feel likewise.A patient's attitude about self-healing is important and will largely determine the results from HT sessions.
An article in the Publix GreenWise Market Magazine reported on a case study (Integrative Cancer Therapies), which was done on 230 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.Those receiving HT and massage found their treatments to be more effective at reducing pain, inducing relaxation, decreasing fatigue and improving mood.Likewise, in a separate case study of eight women with breast cancer, those who received HT, reported that they felt good, relaxed, peaceful and slept better.Pain and gastric distress were also reduced.There are numerous articles written and testimonies given about the positive effects of receiving HT.As one patient said, “Whether you think you're getting something out of it or not, you walk out of there feeling energized and relaxed.”
Numerous HT programs for the treatment of breast cancer have been instituted in hospitals, clinics and other agencies all over the country.HT provides a chance for patients to let go of the stress associated with the discomfort and uncertainty of their diagnosis and treatment.It provides an atmosphere where they can feel loved and nurtured and, in turn, feel better about themselves.Practitioners receive a great benefit as well making a positive difference in someone's life helps make a positive difference in our own.After all, love is what connects and heals us all.

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