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Kambiz Kazemi, MD
Exercise and Fitness A Guide For Women
Advanced Women's Care
. http://www.advancedwomenscareinc.com/

Exercise and Fitness A Guide For Women

Benefits of Exercise

One of the most important benefits of regular physical activity is that it promotes cardiovascular fitness that is, it strengthens your heart and circulatory system.

Physical activity helps build and maintain strong bones. Active women have stronger bones than women who do not exercise.

Physical benefits are not all you get with regular exercise. Staying active promotes mental well-being, relieves stress, and reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.

Moderate daily physical activity totaling 30 minutes, which may be spread throughout the day, can offer health benefits.

Types of Exercise

Two types of exercises aerobic and resistance training can help your body in a variety of ways. A combination of both is the most effective.

Aerobic exercise causes your heart and lungs to work harder and builds fitness. It also burns more calories, which helps if you're trying to lose or maintain weight. Aerobic exercise includes, for example, walking, jogging, swimming and dancing.

Resistance training builds muscle and slows bone loss. It strengthens muscles and bones by exerting force on them. Resistance training includes lifting weights and doing leg lifts or squats.

Getting Started

Before starting an exercise program, you should be in good health.

There are programs designed especially for certain women, such as older women or those with health problems. If it has been some time since you've exercised regularly, it's best to start slowly.

Plan your exercise program to suit your interests and lifestyle.

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Make it a practice to start each exercise session with a warm-up period for 5-10 minutes. This is light activity, such as slow walking or stationary cycling at a low resistance, which prepares your muscles for more intense activity.

After exercising, cool down by slowly reducing your activity. Cooling down for 5-10 minutes and stretching again will increase flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.

Target Heart Rate

You should exercise so that your heart beats at the level that gives you the best workout. This is called your target heart rate. Target heart rate for women is the maximum heart rate of 220 minus your age. Your target rate is 60-80% of the maximum

You should aim to exercise about 20-30 minutes while in your target heart rate.

Physical activity should be a part of most, if not all, days of the week. A form of aerobic exercise should be done three times a week.

Menstrual Changes

Vigorous exercise over a long time span may cause changes in your menstrual cycle. Rarely, a woman's periods stop completely. If you notice changes in your periods or if they stop altogether, see your doctor.

Making exercise a part of your life can pay off in many ways. It can make you look and feel better. Take time for yourself to exercise every day.

This excerpt from ACOG's Patient Education Pamphlet is provided for your information. It is not medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for visiting your doctor.

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