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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sally DiCesare, RDH, CWC, CST
A Little Help Please
Your Blissful Journey

A Little Help Please

As women, we don't often ask for help. Often when we do, it's because we are already overwhelmed. But who has time for a break from kids, family, and friends?

How do you get what you need? How do you support yourself, so you have something left to give? Fortunately, I'm offering free tips to squeeze into your day. Oh, and have kids or friends join you. They are stressed, too!

Occipital Hug

Feeling overwhelmed? Remember in the old movies when the man is sitting with his feet propped up on his desk and hands clasped behind his head? Gently place your hands, with fingers intertwined, behind the base of your head, behind your ears.

Now just cradle your head. Notice anything? You may feel a pulse or involuntarily take a deep breath or sigh. This balances your central nervous system. It's calming and centering. If I wake in the middle of the night and my mind is working on something so I can't fall back to sleep, this is my go-to exercise.

Multitasking Reflexology

Why does a foot massage feel so good? It is known that areas of the foot stimulate organs of the body. So massaging the foot can actually massage and support the organs in the body. When done in a systematic way, this is called reflexology.

How do you multitask while massaging your feet? Use a tennis or racket ball. While sitting at your computer or the dinner table, take off your shoes and roll a ball under your foot. If an area is tender, continue working the area until it feels better.

Within a few weeks you will notice subtle improvements in the way you feel as your organs respond to the stimulation and support.

Instant Mood Lifter

Smile. Yes, smile. For better results, start laughing. I took a laughing yoga class in Yogaville. I never knew there were so many ways to laugh or ways laughter can expresses emotion.

Like the laughter of surprise at seeing a friend you haven't seen in years on the street, or the chuckle over seeing puppies play. Practice belly laughs. See if you can come up with a secret family laugh. Imagine how a giraffe would laugh. Have fun with it. Bring that joy to your life.

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