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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Life Is a Beach
Happy Hour Yoga Center

Life Is a Beach

Have you been to the beach this summer? The beach has sand, sea shells, water, board walks, good food and many opportunities for fun. Some say they dont like the local beaches because of the sand, crowds, and the dirty water. Unfortunately, we dont have the aqua blue waters and the beautiful scenery that some tropical locales boast; however, visiting the ocean can be good for relieving stress.
Have you been to the beach early in the morning to see the sunrise? When you see the sun come up over the ocean it can be very spiritual and extremely beautiful. It reminds us that it is a new day and it can hold new beginnings and change.
Walking on the beach early in the morning before anyone else arrives can be very rewarding. Meditation along the sea shore can be very refreshing and therapeutic. The feeling of the waves crashing at your feet can help you visualize your worries and stress being carried back out to sea.
The sand is great for our lower body. The sands acts as a natural pumice for the bottom of our feet as it removes dead skin and calluses as it massages the toes, legs and feet. After walking on the beach your hips, knees, legs and feet get a fabulous workout.
Going to the beach for a few hours can feel the same as being on vacation for a week. Remember, relieving yourself of stress and worry can add years of happiness to your life.
Lifes a beach, lets go!
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130