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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Walter Wiszowaty, INHC
Improve Your Immune System
La Cure Health Coaching
. http://lacurehealthcoaching.com

Improve Your Immune System

Learn how to improve your diet and your lifestyle. It is a common practice in emergency rooms today to administer various vitamins and minerals. This occurs because patients are deficient of certain vitamins and minerals. 

More than 80 years ago, scientists were pointing out that our soil was becoming seriously depleted. It has only become more depleted over time, with farmers only adding a few vitamins and minerals for better product appearance and shelf life.

Our bodies are very complicated and require having access to many different nutrients that we need to supply. We can tolerate deficiencies, however over time these shortages can result in conditions, symptoms and diseases.

More than half of our population suffer from one or more diseases of a suppressed immune system.

Many people have worked with a knowledgeable health coach and have achieved better health by getting their bodies in balance. Even, Dr. Fauci recently disclosed that he takes several vitamins to specifically boost his immune system. Many times an improvement in dietary habits can improve the health of an entire family. Live a fuller, healthier and longer life.

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