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3 Myths About Weight-Loss Drugs to Get Out of Your Head
Your Health Magazine

3 Myths About Weight-Loss Drugs to Get Out of Your Head

Are people who take weight-loss drugs like Ozempic (semaglutide) and Zepbound (tirzepatide) cheating or taking the easy way out? 

While there are fad diets that promise a lot but deliver little to nothing, certain weight-loss drugs are scientifically vetted to help people safely shed unwanted body weight. No, it’s not a silver bullet. You must still put in the effort. But weight-loss drugs can help, among other things, curb your appetite and make you feel fuller longer so you don’t overeat.

Even so, many people erroneously believe that anyone who uses weight-loss drugs like the ones mentioned above is lazy and unmotivated. However, they are anything but slothful and directionless. 

The reality is that dieting doesn’t work. One source says that a meta-analysis of almost 30 long-term studies on weight loss shows that more than half of the shed weight was regained within 24 months. And by year five, more than 80% of the shed weight was regained.

While some dieters successfully lose the weight and keep it off, they’re the exception, not the rule.

“Weight-loss drugs like Zepbound and Ozempic are highly effective in helping people to lose weight safely and to keep it off rather than regain the shed pounds,” says Dr. Michael Snyder from FuturHealth, a provider of weight-loss medications. “While the benefits of weight-loss medications have been scientifically proven in many research studies, misconceptions about them continue. But the truth is that these medications help people achieve sustainable results.”

So that you don’t make decisions about your health based on misleading claims, here are three myths about weight-loss drugs such as Zepbound (tirzepatide) and Ozempic (semaglutide).

Myth #1: Weight-Loss Drugs Are a Quick Fix

One common misconception is that weight-loss drugs are a quick fix. While they can increase the odds of losing weight, they’re not the equivalent of magic potions. When you combine these prescription drugs with exercise, a healthy and well-balanced diet, and proper lifestyle changes, you’ll more likely than not see the results.

Weight-loss drugs regulate metabolism and appetite, which can give you an edge in your goal to slim down. But human effort and cooperation are still necessary to achieve the desired results.

Myth #2: Weight-Loss Drugs Work For Everyone

While weight-loss drugs do work, that doesn’t mean that everyone will get the same results. Various things factor into how effective these medications will be for individuals. Medical history, exercise, caloric intake, and genetics have a role to play as well.

Remember that while weight-loss drugs suppress the appetite, you still need the willpower to take advantage of this benefit and steer clear of overeating or consuming the wrong types of food.

Myth # 3: Weight-Loss Drugs Do Away With the Need to Exercise and Eat Right

Are you getting enough exercise? You need a minimum of two and a half hours of moderate aerobic activity weekly or a minimum of one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly.

Meanwhile, you should eat from various food groups, consume lots of produce, and eat plenty of whole grains. Limiting your consumption of processed foods, salt, and sugar is also key.

When it comes to losing weight, even the most effective weight-loss drugs will only get you so far. You need to do all of the above in addition to taking weight-loss meds. If you fail to do so, you might lose some weight but suffer health complications due to other reasons. It’s best to have a comprehensive rather than piecemeal weight-loss strategy.

When making decisions impacting your health, you need the right information to make informed choices. Weight-loss drugs can help you lose weight effectively without the risk posed by fad diets. 

It’s worth considering if your dieting history has gotten you less-than-desirable results.
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