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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Renee Bovelle, MD
Women & Dry Eye
Envision Eye & Laser Center
. http://www.envisioneyeandlaser.com

Women & Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome is among the most common eye conditions. In healthy eyes, a thin layer of tears coats the outside surface of the eye, keeping it moist and washing away bits of debris that might fall into the eyes. Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eye doesnt make enough tears, or doesnt make effective tears, or the tears that it does make evaporate too quickly and leave the eye dry and vulnerable.
People with dry eyes often experience dryness, stickiness and stinging or burning of their eyes. The eyes are often red and irritated. Sometimes the eyes water excessively in an effort to soothe the irritation, but these reflex tears are usually not adequate to fix the problem, and all they do is spill over the eyelid and run down the cheek.
The cause is unknown, but the disease becomes more common as we age. Dry eyes affects women 2 3 times more often than men. This is thought to be related to hormones. Male hormones seem to be good for the tear glands, and female hormones seem to be bad for the tear glands. Women who were on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause are at higher risk for developing dry eyes. Compared to women not receiving HRT, women using estrogen alone were 70% more likely to develop dry eyes, and women on both estrogen and progesterone were 30% more likely to develop dry eyes. One in 20 women over the age of 50, and one in 10 over the age of 75 have dry eyes. This amounts to over 3.2 million women with dry eyes in the U.S. alone.
Patients with Sjgrens syndrome suffer from dry eyes and dry mouth, because their bodies mistakenly produce small molecules that attack their moisture-producing glands, in addition to causing other problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Ninety percent of these patients are women.
Dry eye syndrome may sound like more of a nuisance than a serious problem. But if left untreated, severe cases of dry eye syndrome can result in permanent loss of sight. These include problems such as inflammation, infection, and scarring of the eye surface.
If you have dry eye syndrome, there are numerous treatments available to help protect your eyes and your sight. For many dry eye sufferers, small changes in their daily habits can make the problem better. For others, tear replacement drops, medications, and plugs to block tears from escaping once they reach the eye surface are all effective in reducing or eliminating dry eye symptoms. Your doctor can help you develop a treatment plan thats right for you.

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