New Moon Body Work and Botanicals
616 East Charles Street
La Plata, MD 20646
(301) 392-5186
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Ten Healthy Habits For Women
Eat Well
Eat food that is close to the source, whole, organic whenever possible, and lovingly prepared. Eliminate refined foods, highly processed foods, and fast food. Most importantly, do not skip breakfast.
Drink Pure Water
Cultures living near good water sources have long life spans. Over 95% of our bodies is comprised of water, so this is an important element not to ignore.
Learn to Listen to Your Body
An essential part of maintaining good health is knowing what our bodies need and not ignoring subtle messages. Many illnesses can be avoided by listening to our inner voice before things get out of hand. Instead of grabbing for a stimulant when tired, take a quick “power nap” or a brisk walk. Eat when hungry, sleep when tired.
Make Mealtime a Family Event
Ignore the phone, gather the family, turn off the television, and eat in peace. Eating with a lot of stimuli can disrupt the digestive process.
Use only Unbleached,
Organic Tampons
Most tampons are made from bleached cotton, which contains
carcinogenic by-products. Cotton is also a heavily sprayed crop, and
fabric and other cotton products contain pesticide residues. Most manufacturers mix rayon with the cotton to
increase absorbability, but these fibers tend to stick to the vaginal walls,
leaving micro-fibers when they are pulled out. To avoid potential problems, use only unbleached, organic tampons.
Take Good Care of your Liver
The liver has an essential role in womens health. The liver breaks down excess hormones, including estrogen. An overburdened liver, be it from environmental or dietary overload, cannot take on the additional burden of breaking down these hormones. Excess estrogen has a role in PMS, fibrocystic breasts,
fibroids, breast cancer, and endometriosis. Liver health is promoted by
eating lots of green, leafy vegetables, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, and herbs such as dandelion, artichoke leaf, milk thistle, chamomile, and gentian.
Become Familiar with
Gentle Herbs
Proper use of herbs is another preventative approach to health. Using gentle herbs daily can promote good digestion, help with mood changes, improve energy and immunity, and prevent illness. Get to know these herbs raspberry leaf, nettle, dandelion root and leaf, reishi mushroom, red clover, chamomile, mints, lemon balm, and ginger, to name a few.
Get to Know Essential Oils
Essential oils are pure, concentrated plant oils, which are diluted in some way to be applied externally. They enter our systems via their small, molecular structure and have different effects depending on the oil used. They have tonic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties, as well as a host of other benefits.
Essential oils should be used
only with knowledge and respect for their contra-indications. Several oils to “get to know” that are of particular interest to women include lavender, chamomile, clary sage, geranium, and rose.
Make Relaxation and
Fun a Priority
Women are taking on increasingly diverse roles in both the home and at work. Schedule time-outs for yourself and do what makes you happy. Relaxed women are more productive women.
Know Your Medicine
Most research on pharmaceutical drugs is conducted on men, due to liability concerns. Women especially should be educated on all possible side effects and risks associated with drugs. Be aware of your family history and personal risks before seeing your doctor and make your concerns known.
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