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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Catherine Akbarieh, DDS, CHHC
Discover Your Biological Process With ZYTO Elite 5.0
Reflective Wellness, LLC

Discover Your Biological Process With ZYTO Elite 5.0

In the sea of information about wellness products, healthy foods, alternative treatments, and related advertising, special offers and coupons, how do you really put your finger on the one or two modalities, therapies or supplements that will be best for you?

It would be so helpful if you could ask your body. Well, now

you can.

What Is ZYTO?

ZYTO is a software company that provides technology to facilitate decision-making about healthcare and wellness.

There are various ZYTO software products, with different capabilities Compass, Select, EVOX, Balance, and the Elite 5.0. If you use products such as essential oils, for example, you may have recently had a ZYTO Compass “scan” to help you choose your products.

How Does ZYTO Elite Work As a Decision Support

Through a hand cradle, a connection is established between the client and the computer. ZYTO sends subtle stimuli and then records the body's responses. This “conversation” is called Biocommunication, and it provides insights into health and wellness. During this conversation, a biosurvey is generated.

A Biosurvey is like a health questionnaire, only you answer the questions subconsciously, and the “questions” are subtle energetic impulses (Virtual Stimulus Items). Your response, which is analyzed by the ZYTO software, is a change in the electrical properties of your skin (Galvanic Response Testing). It's similar to a lie-detector test, only much more sophisticated and friendly.

Let's Look At It This Way

ZYTO Elite looks for hidden stressors in the body, toxins, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, molds, electromagnetic radiation, foods, or emotional stressors. These stressors can potentially bring us out of balance and lead to disease or even illness. ZYTO Elite can also look for organs, systems or chakras that appear “out of range” / off balance.

It then looks for balancers, foods, herbs, natural remedies, positive affirmations, essential oils, even therapies that may help the person feel better overall. ZYTO Elite prioritizes these balancers as our Biological PreferencesTM. This helps us make more effective choices in bringing our body back into a state of balance, and support wellness.

What Can ZYTO Elite Do For You?

It's capable of personalizing your experience with your Biologically PreferredTM balancers by determining a dosage, frequency and potency that is unique to your body. This level of accuracy and efficacy leads to more time and cost-effective results.

The Elite 5.0 is ZYTO's most complete, top ZYTO software, available only to licensed health practitioners. It is safe, painless and radiation- free. It interfaces conventional medicine with ancient medicine, with a library of over 200 reputable natural products to select as balancers. It can be done remotely.

ZYTO is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, cure, or replace the need for medical care.
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