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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
George K. Verghese, MD
Body Contouring New Treatments For Fat Reduction and Skin Tightening
Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute

Body Contouring New Treatments For Fat Reduction and Skin Tightening

For many people, diet and exercise help keep them looking and feeling healthy. But even those who work hard at staying in shape might have a difficult time shaking love handles and other stubborn fat deposits.

While the market for getting rid of unwanted fat has grown over the years to include very effective procedures such as stomach stapling and gastric bypass, there is strong demand for body contouring procedures that can reduce areas of localized fat that are less invasive.

Venus Freeze is an excellent example of a completely non-invasive treatment that combines radio frequency (RF) and magnetic pulses into a technology called (MP). This unique combination has the ability to access deeply, comfortably, and safely into the skin in order to reduce fattyareas and tighten loose skin.

Typically non-invasive treatments such as Venus Freeze require multiple treatment sessions, and patients have little or no post-treatment downtime. In addition, this type of treatment is best for persons who have mildly concentrated fatty area.

For individuals with mild to moderate localized fat deposits they wish to target as well as those individuals seeking faster results, procedures such as Smartlipo can be a very good option.

Similar to liposuction, Smartlipo is a form of surgery to remove excess body fat; however, it is less invasive than traditional lipo. Smartlipo uses a laser to help destroy fat cells, which has the added benefit of tightening the surrounding skin. It also provides patients a faster recovery time than other forms of liposuction.

Venus Freeze and Smartlipo are both FDA-approved treatments with little to no side-effects. More information on Venus Freeze is available at, and information on Smartlipo is available at
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