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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Robin Haggberg, RN, Reiki Master
Chronic Pain Relief
Potomac Place Assisted Living
. http://potomacplace.com/

Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is a common problem, especially for aging adults. People are looking for relief from chronic pain problems and have increasing awareness that the typical products they might take (from aspirin to narcotics) can be dangerous, and addictive with many side effects. This month we will touch on a few holistic approaches and natural remedies that may be helpful to you to alleviate your pain that can be implemented long term.

Pain has many different causes of course. Some people's pain is arthritic; others have nerve pain due to diabetes, depression, spinal stenosis, or the many other soft tissue diseases that cause pain. In any event, the idea is not to let this pain control your life.

The importance of movement and exercise cannot be stressed enough. Regular exercise aids in mobility, circulation, and improves your attitude. There are also natural supplements that may assist in alleviating pain. Here are just a few

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

The popularity of this combination for joint pain has increased over the past few years. Found naturally in healthy cartilage, glucosamine strengthens synovial fluid and cartilage. The two supplements together amplify its effect.


Curcumin is a natural plant compound, which gives turmeric its orange color. It has been used in many cultures as a natural anti-inflammatory, and the evidence of its benefits is growing from many clinical trials. There are indications of the possible benefits prior to some types of radiation to help with inflammation, along with joint problems, and chronic pain.


An enzyme derived from pineapple stems, bromelain is a powerful proteolytic enzyme, being studied for its possible ability to break down growth factors in the bloodstream that raises inflammation levels. Use of bromelain could even improve the effect of glucosamine and chondroitin.

Sea Cucumber

It has a natural agent that is believed to promote the repair of cartilage by inhibiting the joint damaging process found in arthritis.


The Panax ginseng root has grown in popularity because of the belief by naturalists in its potential pain relieving properties.

White Willow

Called the Mother plant for aspirin's salicylate and provides slow release and the analgesic action on which aspirin is based.

Attempting to balance your activity level along with supplements to create a healthy pain free life is our goal. Hopefully you can find a combination that is right for you. As always, consult your physician before starting any new supplements.

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