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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Emmanuel Moses, PT, CMTPT
Ready To Reach For the Stars?
Evidence PT

Ready To Reach For the Stars?

It is estimated that approximately three out of 10 adults are affected by some degree of shoulder pain at some point in their lives. Contrary to popular belief, shoulder pain is not something you have to live with.

Shoulder issues should be diagnosed by a professional or group of professionals who will come up with a complete and proper diagnosis.

Common Physical Therapy Exercises For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain often comes from conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, muscle pulls, sore tendons or subacromial bursa (the sac of fluid located under the highest part of the shoulder), which can originate from overexerting the shoulder and/or repetitive movements. With conditions that aren't extreme enough to need surgery or special treatment, a doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or give you a shot of cortisone in the area.

If you have shoulder pain, ask your doctor if physical therapy is right for you. A physical therapist is trained to evaluate all the mechanisms that involve bones, joints, and muscles. Since we are specialists in motion and pain relief, chances are that we can get to the root of the problem and identify exactly what's causing the pain. Often the physical therapist will recommend a series of exercises as well. Some common exercises for the shoulder that your physical therapist will work with you are

Range Of Motion Exercises These exercises help restore mobility in your shoulder and help you to overcome the inevitable joint stiffness.

Resistance Exercises Usually resistance exercises will utilize weights, rubber bands or tubing to give you resistance while moving. A special series of exercises will be the second step until you have built up enough shoulder strength to move on to weight training. The physical therapist will teach you innovative ways to use weights or rubber tubing to provide light, progressive resistance so you get stronger and recover faster!

Stabilization Exercises these advanced exercises will increase the stability of your shoulder muscles and help minimize the chances of re-injury.

These are the basic exercises that your physical therapist will utilize. You should never approach these exercises on your own until you have been properly trained on how to do them correctly. If you begin exercising without proper guidance, you could end up re-injuring your shoulder or making it worse. Your physical therapist will know when it's time to move on to the next level and how quickly you should move in your series of exercises.
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