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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Pain Arthritis Relief Center
Considering Knee Replacement Surgery? Be Sure To Do Your Research Before Going Under the Knife: Part Four
Pain Arthritis Relief Center
. https://ihatekneepain.com/

Considering Knee Replacement Surgery? Be Sure To Do Your Research Before Going Under the Knife: Part Four

Part 4

Last month’s article discussed regenerative orthopedics, which uses your body’s own stem cells to heal itself. It can eliminate the need, or prolong the need for knee replacement surgery, and some surgeons actually advise patients to try this before opting for surgery.

Along with the incredible healing power of stem cells, you also receive what’s called Platelet Rich Plasma – or PRP.

Platelet Rich Plasma is simply a highly concentrated mix of your body’s platelets, healing and growth factors normally found in your blood.

This PRP bath does two important things:

One, it releases a concentration of growth factors that help fuel the repairing of your cells, and gives the healing power of stem cells a huge boost.

And two, PRP acts like a magnet and attracts more stem cells in your body to the area.

This raises an additional army of stem cells to go directly to work healing your damaged joint, cartilage, tendon or ligament, and to ease your inflammation and pain.

Bottom line: this PRP bath works hand in glove with your stem cell treatment to give you tremendous results.

A typical “good” concentration of PRP is six times your normal body concentration. However, the PRP method used at the Pain Arthritis Relief Center achieves 19 times your normal body concentration. That’s 19 times the healing and growth factors placed precisely where you need it most. A 19 times turbo-boost to the anti-inflammatory and healing power of your stem cell treatment.

And to make it simple for you, both the collection and the treatment are done on the same day, in the same visit.

That way your body can immediately start using this ultra-powerful stem cell and PRP combination to start healing your knee and treating your pain.

And remember, because these are your own body’s stem cells, everything is safe and natural – and it’s thoroughly FDA compliant.

So, now that you’ve seen how simple and easy it can be to avoid total knee replacement surgery

Now is the time to discover how to end your knee pain and suffering today.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130