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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jesse Harshbarger, BCHt, NLP
Causes Of Muscle Fatigue
Jesse Harshbarger Life Coaching
. https://alohahands.wordpress.com/

Causes Of Muscle Fatigue

A universally accepted principle of exercise is that for a training adaptation to occur, a physiological system must be exercised at a level beyond that to which it is presently accustomed. This overload forces the physiological systems to adapt to the applied stresses. The overload principle in conditioning refers to the necessity of applying stresses to the body greater than it is accustomed to in order to increase strength or endurance. Exercise frequency, duration and intensity are the variables most often manipulated to provide overload to the systems of the body.

When an individual pushes to improve muscle strength and endurance there are a few negative effects the athlete will experience.

The negative effects of exercise include

  • Increased metabolic waste build-up in the tissues.
  • Strains in the muscle or connective tissue. These may range from microscopic microtrauma to major injury.
  • Inflammation and associated fibrosis.
  • Spasms and pain that restrict movement.

Dehydration, overheating, depletion of muscle fuels, low blood glucose, central fatigue, overuse or inadequate warm-up or stretching may result in muscle exhaustion. All of the aforementioned can result from overtraining. Overtraining can be defined as excessive frequency, volume, or intensity of training, resulting in fatigue. Overtraining or any other detrimental affect may be relieved or avoided with proper rest and recovery.

These negative effects of exercise normally take an athlete 48 to 72 hours to rest, adapt, and recuperate. When applied correctly, athletic massage can reduce the recuperation time by as much as 50 percent.

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