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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Elba M. Pacheco, MD
Younger Skin With Fraxel Laser
Center for Eye and Laser Surgery

Younger Skin With Fraxel Laser

Want to turn the clock back on aging of the skin? Fraxel laser treatment is a revolutionary way to accomplish that!
Over the years, your skin is damaged by the sun, pollution, stress, fatigue and smoking. This prevents you from looking as good as you feel. Today, Fraxel laser resurfacing offers the most advanced restoration treatment to return skin to its younger beauty.
Imagine your skin is a digital picture made up of thousands of spots or pixels. Fraxel treatment is able to target single skin cells by using microscopic laser columns called microthermal zones. This precise treatment eliminates old, damaged cells and penetrates deep into the inner layer of the dermis to initiate and encourage the bodys own natural healing process. As healing begins, the damaged skin is replaced with fresh skin and new collagen is formed deep in the subsurface layers.
The Fraxel laser is the first technology that can produce dramatic improvement to aging and sun-damaged skin, with a speedy healing process and minimal down-time. Fraxel treats uneven pigmentation, acne scars, melasma, brown/age spots, improves skin texture, facial lines and wrinkles, and is one of the most effective procedures for treating the delicate skin areas of the neck, chest, hands and forearms. In fact, Fraxel can be used on the skin, anywhere.
Fraxel laser treatments are administered in your doctors office. For your comfort, a topical anesthesia is applied prior to your treatment which takes approximately an hour to take effect.
A treatment typically last 45-60 minutes and consists of a special light wand to be passed over the surface of the skin. As the wand makes contact with the skin it sends a laser beam into the dermis creating a very small thermal interaction with thousand of micro-columns that magically transforms your skin. There is very little discomfort with the treatment. Most people report a prickly sensation that stops as soon as the treatment is over.
What are the side effects? Recovering from a Fraxel Laser Treatment is like recovering from a mild sunburn. The skin will redden or slightly swell initially. The swelling with diminish after a day or two and the skin will slowly lose some of its redness and fade to a “tanned” color for 3-14 days after treatment. Similar to a sunburn, mild peeling or flaking may occur, but without blistering. During this time patients are encouraged to wear SPF 30+ sunscreen twice a day to limit sun exposure and promote optimum results.
How many treatments will I need? Because Fraxel resurfaces 15-20 percent of the skin during each treatment, optimal results are achieved with 4-6 treatments at 3-4 week intervals.
After your very first Fraxel laser treatment, you will begin to feel the difference in your skin, as it gradually becomes softer, smoother and fresher. After several treatments, your friends and family will notice how refreshed and youthful your skin looks. Fine lines around your eyes will noticeably fade so will uneven coloring and the brown spots caused by aging and sun exposure.
Maintaining your results is easy when Fraxel is combined with physician-directed rejuvenation products at home and by having regular treatments in your doctors office. Discover how combining your laser treatment with other anti-aging therapies such as IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), Thermage, Botox and dermal fillers, and glycolic peels actually turn back the clock and produce a more refreshed, younger-looking, and feeling, you!
Call your doctor for a confidential cosmetic consultation and discover how Fraxel Laser Treatment can change your skin safely and in less time than ever before.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130