Kay Plastic Surgery
5530 Wisconsin Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301) 951-5120
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The Shape You've Always Wanted
Even with regular exercise and a healthy diet, we cannot always create the body we are hoping for. Anyone may have an extra bulge that continuous exercising and dieting cant reduce. But today, with the technique known as liposuction, we can achieve our goals as never before. Liposuction can be an effective and permanent solution to decreasing those unattractive contours.
Contouring of the face, breast, neck or body by liposuction has become the most popular procedure in cosmetic surgery in the country for both men and women. The abdomen, waistline and “love handles” are the most popular areas for liposuction. But effective contouring can be achieved in many different sites including the face, neck, upper arms, breast, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees and ankles.
Today, the majority of liposuction cases are done on an outpatient basis with immediate home recovery. Depending on the amount and location of treatment, anesthesia can range from local only to light general.
The tumescent technique of liposuction involves gently infusing medicated fluids into the area of fat before vacuuming. The fluids gently stabilize the fat while minimizing bleeding. The fat is removed once the area is numb. This technique speeds recovery and return to normal activity and work.
Youll notice a dramatic improvement in contour immediately after treatment that will improve as the normal post-treatment swelling subsides.
Liposuction can be done successfully at any age. Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in the areas treated and so produces a permanent change in the contour. Often this improvement provides additional motivation to continue the benefits of daily exercise and good nutrition to maintain your overall health and best appearance.
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