Meadow Hill Wellness
53 Old Solomons Island Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 263-0411
More Mental Health Articles
Natural Solutions For Depression
Most of us have experienced depression at one time or another in our lives. We can usually bounce back from it and move on with our lives. For some, however, persistent depression can be debilitating.
Depression can interfere with a person's ability to sleep, play with their children, and function at work. Continual feelings of discouragement, sadness and hopelessness interfere with relationships with family and can often lead to divorce if left untreated. If depression is severe enough, a person can lose their job.
An estimated 30 million Americans are currently taking antidepressant and anti-anxiety prescription drugs. These drugs, while sometimes effective at relieving the depression, can also cause side effects. Some of these side effects include rash, insomnia, anxiety, diarrhea, loss of appetite and sexual dysfunction.
Natural medicine has successfully treated depression for thousands of years. Signs and symptoms of depression can be treated through proper diet, supplementation, acupuncture and herbal therapy. These methods can also address the root cause of the depression safely and naturally.
An acupuncturist will examine an individual's pulse and tongue in order to determine which imbalances are causing the depression. Based on an oriental medical diagnosis, treatment can include acupuncture, herbs, and lifestyle modifications.
The goal of acupuncture treatment is to correct any imbalances, in order for the individual to return to a happy, healthy life. These imbalances are based on a system of meridians and organ systems discovered 3,500 years ago. Working with acupuncture points on a person's body can help restore proper flow through an individual's meridian system.
A nutritionist will look specifically at diet and supplements, as well as any hidden food intolerances or allergies. The nutritionist will guide the individual in making the right food choices and eliminating any foods that might be causing mood disturbance. If allergies are an issue, the allergens would need to be avoided entirely.
One of the things that natural health care practitioners have in common is the idea that the entire individual must be taken into account. The body, mind and spirit are all connected. All three must be well in order for the individual to achieve true health and wellness.
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