Endocrine & Metabolic Institute
12510 Prosperity Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20904
(410) 571-7880
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Managing Your Weight
Most of us would like to lose a few pounds for better health and wellness, particularly those with Diabetes or The Metabolic Syndrome. Here are a few helpful suggestions to get you started
1. Along with exercise, portion control is the best way to your goal weight.
2. Read the nutrition label on food packaging.
Look at the serving size and eat only one or two servings of that food.
If eating more than one item at a time, then limit servings to one serving per item.
Dont eat foods out of the box; instead take out one serving and eat slowly from a plate.
3. Drink a tall glass of water with each meal.
Keep beverages other than water to a minimum.
Avoid sugary soft drinks and juices. One 12-oz can of soda has 9 teaspoons of sugar!
Sugary soft drinks are “empty calories” which means they dont fill you up but add extra calories and thus extra weight.
Also limit unsweetened or artificially sweetened beverages to no more than four servings a day. Examples include coffee/tea, diet soft drinks, crystal light, unsweetened iced tea, and artificially sweetened water.
4. Avoid eating in front of the TV because you will “graze” which means you will eat more without realizing it.
5. Take seconds of vegetables or salads.
6. When cooking large batches, freeze food in small servings to eat later.
7. When ordering at restaurants ask for a take away box and put away some food off your plate as soon as it arrives.
Over the last 15-20 years portions in America have increased by 30%.
This, along with less physical activity, has translated to a weight gain of over 30% of the ideal body weight for most Americans.
So if a persons optimum body weight is 150 lbs, that person is now likely 195 lbs!
8. Dont skip breakfast.
If you do, you will eat too much later in the day or eat the wrong foods.
Dont eat fatty foods such as bacon, sausage, fried eggs, croissants, sugary muffins, donuts or pastries for breakfast.
Instead try Low fat milk with a small serving of cereal; oatmeal; whole grain bread (1-2 slices); egg whites or eggbeaters; low fat cottage cheese with some fruit; low fat yogurt/granola.
9. Avoid processed snacks such as “junk food”.
Instead snack on one fruit, small yogurt, raw veggies, or no calorie Jell-O.
Again, drinking a tall glass of water can take the edge off the snack attack.
10. Dont make food a reward.
Buy yourself other items or get some pampering done instead.
Reward yourself by hiring help around the house or in the yard so you can have some relaxation time.
11. When you do have a treat, like chips, cookies, or dessert, eat only one serving and eat it slowly to enjoy.
Try to limit treats to once a week.
12. Make exercise part of your routine.
Writing down the word “exercise” into your weekly schedule will remind you of that very important thing you need to do for yourself.
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