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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Pauline Belton, LCPC-ACS,  EdS, EDD
Let’s Talk About Self-esteem
Open Conversations, LLC

Let’s Talk About Self-esteem

Let’s Talk About Self-esteem

Self-esteem is the overall confidence you have in yourself, knowing your own worth or abilities. In today’s society, one can get lost in not knowing who they are and not have confidence in their ability to make proper decisions, have self-respect or even properly evaluate what gems they bring to any given situation. According to self-esteem expert Morris Rosenberg, self-esteem is quite simply one’s attitude toward oneself. He described it as a “favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the self”.

A person’s self-esteem can be influence in positive and negative ways. Let’s start with the negative and progress with the positive. In 2016, Friedlander suggested that the negative impact of social media on self-esteem is easy to understand. People are social beings and according to Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs, people need interaction with others to stay healthy and happy. Social media lends a wider platform however for people to use those interactions to compare, measure and/or track progress in a variety of life experiences such as relationships, work, vacation, status, etc. This comparison can wreak havoc on one’s self-esteem over time. This is not limited to just young children; this phenomenon is increasing in how adults view themselves (self-esteem). The impact of life’s experiences when compared to others who are living a completely different lifestyle with completely different life experiences; well, you can see how it can affect not only one’s self-esteem it affects one’s overall mental health; how you think, feel, and behave. Pause here to reflect a moment…

Now, how can a person improve their self-esteem? It’s not always easy and in some cases seeking professional help (a therapist) is the best choice to start this journey. A therapist will give you the opportunity to find out the root cause of negative self-esteem and take the journey with you to improve your self-esteem. Here are some additional ways to improve your self-esteem:

  • Be mindful of your thoughts and how they impact your mood. When your thoughts become automatic negative thoughts in many or most of your interactions, experiences or exchanges, it’s time to slow down and find out why. Thoughts impact feelings and behaviors.
  • Identify stressors that impact your self-esteem. Identify and recognize those people, places or things that impact how you see yourself; for example, trolling social media and comparing yourself to others, putting yourself in situations that have proven to disrupt the “feel good about you” feeling and instead makes you question yourself. Find out the why.
  • Take care of yourself. Get a self-care routine that builds you up mentally, physically and emotionally. Eat well, exercise, surround yourself with positive people, read, and be the first to speak to yourself in a positive way.

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