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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lynn L. West, PhDc, BCETS, LCPC
How To Attract What You Want
Lynn L. West & Associates, LLC

How To Attract What You Want

Energy is part of everything in life that exists. Thus, energy has form, shape, force and direction. You can feel the push and pull between matter and gravity in any activity you engage in. Our own expression of who we are in the universe is reflected in our emotions.

If you want a balanced and harmonious life, you have to be aware of your emotions at all times, and learn to control your energy, in order to create positivity in your life. Embrace the highest self experience in all decisions and interactions in your life by consciously avoiding negativity in thoughts and actions, regardless of how compelling it feels.

According to physics and the law of attraction, we are attracted to people and circumstances that are most in balance with our own unique energy signature, whether they are healthy or otherwise. As you learn to tune into your feelings and emotions, you will develop awareness of the energy in your environment. You can only master your destiny and live in happiness, bliss, and harmony when you disengage from anyone who is expressing hostile or unloving energy and emotions.

If you want to know who you are right at this minute, the answer is, “What emotions do you connect to and resonate with?” What emotions are expressed by people in your life who are family and friends? Do any emotions you feel or experience cause you psychological or emotional discomfort? What emotions compel you to act or get involved when the problem is not yours to solve? Notice when you are not feeling compassionate, caring, and affectionate in response to someone's interaction with you. Do you support destructive interactions or allow powerful, dominating, or coercive behaviors to take place? Is your reaction and response to your own or someone's emotions healthy or hurtful?

Always evaluate your own emotions and behavior first by stepping back and asking yourself what you are supposed to be getting out of this experience. Is your response or behavioral interaction healthy or hurtful? Have you created a self identity based on being a rescuer or caretaker? Are you trying to control feelings by eating, using substances, being over-responsible, self-sacrificing, unassertive, “stuffing your feelings” or being oversensitive to another's difficulties. Let go of chaos and practice positive thinking.

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