Lynn L. West & Associates, LLC
Lynn West & Associates, LLC
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Suite #105
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Healthy Versus Disturbed Thinking and Behavior
Understanding healthy thinking and behaviors from unhealthy or distorted thinking and behaviors is based on a range of scientific measurements that establish a specificclinical range of what characterizes normal healthy behaviors, which is used as the benchmark standard against which all brain behavior actions are measured.
Mental disturbance or illness is a disease or condition that influences the way a person thinks, feels, behaves, or relates to others or his/her surroundings. The symptoms can range from mild-to-severe. A person with amental illness is often unable to cope with daily routines and demands in life without supportive treatment.
Perception or comprehension, insight, and understanding and interpretation of sensory input depends on the integrity of the brain and the functioning of thebiologicalprocesses that underpin cognitive operations.Each individual's perception is unique and makes up individual maps of how their world should be. Conflict comes when the component parts of what makes up one person's map is very different than what makes up another person's map.
Many maps of “what is” are really just opinions made on rules that are not scientifically based on facts, but are just opinions of how we believe things should work. This leads to a competition of wills for psychological dominance based on whom is going to be right.
In child therapy, one of the biggest conundrums therapists have to deal with in solving children-relatedissuesis the cultural habit of not specifically addressing feelingsdrivinga child'sbehavior in having difficulty withinin their environment and relationships. Instead of specifically designing an intervention that include the child's feelings on what is happening, adultstypically focus on the child's problematic behaviors, based on the adult's map of the world.
Adults typicallytry to admonish the kid verballyto extinguish bad behavior by verbally and emotionally blaming the child, without ever trying to understandwhy the child is acting the way they are and whether the child's feelings are valid.
This situation happens most frequentlywith bullying episodes when a child is unable to get an adultto understand they are being tormented. Unless the child knows there is a specific intervention providing safety to the child, the child will continue to act out while the adults “keep an eye out” to see if they notice anything going on. This is not specifically addressing the problem.
If a child is acting out, the environment has to be examined. Children live within an interactive mobile of family, friends, and school. Theylearn what they live. They are their environment and the people in it.
Listen to your children with your heart, and not with judgment of what you expect through your map of how children should behave.If they see violent or disturbed behavior at home, they will imitate that behavior because they have learned it through modeling.
Disturbed behavior is usually related to the child's environment. Just change to do what works.
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