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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Hema Sundaram MD
Fast Fixes For the Holidays
Sundaram Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Center

Fast Fixes For the Holidays

Theres no greater feeling than walking into a room knowing that you look and feel your very best. You can hardly turn on the TV or radio or open a magazine at this time of the year without encountering ads promising cosmetic surgery to create a “new you” for the holidays.
The traditional method of rejuvenation was to tighten skin with facelifts, neck lifts and brow lifts. While these surgeries are still appropriate for patients who have loose, hanging skin folds, todays technology and our ever-advancing understanding of the aging process often allow you to look naturally younger without ever going under the surgical knife. The 360 Makeover is an individualized combination of minimally invasive procedures that harnesses your bodys own capacity to rejuvenate itself.
Rather than mechanically stretching your skin, the newest lasers actually harness your skins own capacity to tighten itself. StarLux infrared skin tightening and fractional laser resurfacing can be used alone or together to stimulate fresh collagen, lifting sagging jaw lines, arms and other body areas, smoothing wrinkles and fading scars, stretch marks and prominent pores. These breakthrough technologies also remove sun spots and other discolorations. They can be combined with intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials to also remove spider veins and broken blood vessels in minutes with little or no down time.
If you want to look naturally younger, its essential to replace the volume youve lost with time. An expert cosmetic surgeon can inject Perlane and Restylane pure, biosynthetic forms of the hyaluronic acid that naturally supports your skin – precisely and gently just beneath your skin to lift your face and restore its youthful contours. Perlane and Restylane also restore fullness to thinning lips, fill under-eye hollows and circles and can be injected beneath the skin of bony, veined hands to make them look young again. Recent research shows that exper technique actually stimulates permanent collagen formation in your skin, so you always look better after Perlane and Restylane than you did before.
In places where volume needs to be removed, the dermatologist-developed method of tumescent liposuction safely removes stubborn fat deposits to re-contour your jaw line, abdomen, thighs, arms or other areas. If needed, an additional laser procedure tightens your skin with no scarring and little or no down time.
The final component of the 360 Makeover is muscle relaxation. Tiny amounts of Botox are injected just beneath the skin to smooth out frown lines, worry lines, crows feet and neck wrinkles, and to restore an elegant arch to flattened eyebrows. Expert Botox treatments refresh you while avoiding the telltale frozen face. Regular treatments help prevent wrinkles from deepening.
The 360 Makeover is customized for you, to avoid a cookie-cutter look and preserve your unique individuality. It requires an expert cosmetic surgeon with a wide array of state-of-the-art technology. Treatments can be adjusted as your face changes with time so that you always look naturally younger.
Instead of morphing you into a “new you”, the 360 Makeover empowers you to re-discover the real you, by balancing how you look with how you feel at any age.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130