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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jemima Kankam, MD
Depression What Type Do You Have?
Dr. Kankam & Associates

Depression What Type Do You Have?

Being treated for the wrong type of depression could cost you a lot!
The term depression is sometimes used loosely to describe a momentary mood. Medically it refers to an episode or bout of an illness, involving changes in one's usual mood, way of thinking, and behavior or physical patterns.
Changes In
Moodfeeling sad and/or losing interest in previously-enjoyed activities.
Thinkingslow, tendency to be pessimistic, tendency to feel more hopeless and helpless than usual, indecisive mentally fatigued. Poor concentration may lead to making mistakes, declining academic performance. Hopelessness and self blame, if gone untreated can lead to suicidal attempts.
Physical /Behavior changes impaired sleep and appetite too much or too little adversely affects functioning, socially, on the job, or school performance.
A person experiencing a depressive episode may have one of two different mood illness
1. Major Depressive Disorder, commonly referred to as “depression” and treated with medications called antidepressants
2. Bipolar Depression usually treated with mood stabilizers
The difference between the two is that a person with bipolar disorder has at some point in their lives experienced an episode of “mania.”
It is important to be diagnosed with the right disorder because medications used to treat major depressive disorders (antidepressants) may worsen bipolar disorder with resultant devastating consequences. Studies show many people get the wrong diagnosis and treatment from doctors because inadequate information of previous manic episodes are not obtained.
Like an episode of depression, a manic episode involves changes in mood, thinking and physical behavior pattern, but in a different way. It usually lasts one week and affects ones functioning.
Changes In
MoodEither disproportionally angry or inappropriately over excited
ThinkingFast paced, multiple ideas rushing through the mind, decreased ability to think through consequences of actions leading to impulsive behavior; usually pleasurable, but has potential for bad consequences e.g. impulsive spending sexual indiscretion, experimentation with substances. Changes high energy, multiple unfinished projects, rapid speech, jumping from topic to topic
Behaviors /Physical changes may result in legal, financial consequence or potential danger to the person or others
If you present to a doctor with signs of depression be sure to give all present as well as past information to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.
With treatment, which usually involves medication and counseling, one could live a more productive life.
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