Sherry Lancaster, RN, LAc
2860 Adelina Road
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
(410) 535-3272
More Mental Health Articles
Acupuncture It's Not Just For Pain
Acupuncture is one of the components of Chinese medicine, which is a holistic system for restoring health and preventing disease. The ancient art involves inserting very thin needles through the skin at specific “points” on the body. The points are located on meridians which are channels of energy called qi.
Qi, loosely translated as “life energy, vital force, or universal energy,” is necessary to sustain life and maintain health. According to the ancient Chinese medical texts, when qi is abundant and free-flowing, the body is balanced and life and health are maintained. When qi is blocked, deficient, or out-of-balance, dis-ease results. Dis-ease manifests in many ways such as pain and disruption of normal body functions.
Most people are familiar with the use of acupuncture in pain management. In this case, needles are inserted to restore free-flow of qi to the painful area. But, at the same time, any underlying causes of the pain will be determined and the affected organ systems will be re-balanced. Other problems that can be treated with acupuncture include allergies, sinusitis, digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, and menstrual dysfunction. Mental health ailments may also be treated such as addictions, anxiety and depressive disorders.
In Chinese medicine, several types of treatment may be used for the same disease, and conversely, the same treatment may be used for different diseases. This is because Chinese medicine looks at diseases, ailments, or discomforts in terms of “patterns.” A pattern is determined by taking an extensive history of the patient and by examining the pulses and tongue.
Treatments are individualized for each patient.
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