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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sally DiCesare, RDH, CWC, CST
A Little More Help, Please
Your Blissful Journey

A Little More Help, Please

The last article talked about sitting back and resting your head in your hands to help rebalance your central nervous system, using a tennis ball during dinner or while on the computer to massage organs through reflexology, and the instant mood lifter; your smile. The smile has been scientifically proven to improve your immune system and lighten your mood. Today you stressed folks will find simple, free supportive suggestions to use in your home with little time. When you are stressed it is most important to support your immune system.

Wake up your internal organs by massaging all the nerves along your spine. Lay on your back on a hard surface, and bend your knees so your feet are comfortable close to your buttocks. Slowly curl your back off the floor starting with a pelvic tilt and curl your back off the ground from your pelvis up to your shoulders, one vertebra at a time. Slowly lower your spine from your shoulders to your tailbone and repeat as often as comfortable.

Recover more quickly from illness by resting your eyes as often as possible. Your eyes use about 70 percent of your energy. Conserve it for healing by resting your eyes when home sick as often as possible. Listen to books on tape instead of reading or watching TV to alleviate stress.

The lymph pump is a great way to move an integral part of your immune system. You can perform the lymph pump by standing on the edge of a step as close to your toes as you can get while still being on the ball of your foot and balance. Lower your foot below the plane of the step, then raise it up to your tippy toes and repeat gently and carefully. This may remind you of a calf stretch. As you continue, you are helping to circulate your white blood cells.

Keeping these steps in mind when stressed or under the weather and performing them may just be the tool you need the next time you experience the initial discomfort. These exercises are always a great reference whenever you need to feel rejuvenated, refreshed, or relieved.

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