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9 Science-Backed Ways to Manage Stress
Your Health Magazine

9 Science-Backed Ways to Manage Stress

<strong>9 Science-Backed Ways to Manage Stress</strong>

Stress has now become a part of our lives. Everyone is going through it, and we bet you are too since everyone at some point succumbs to the pressures of today’s demanding life.  

According to the latest statistics, 80% of people experience stress, and the reasons vary. Some people experience a wave of anxiety and stress because of work. Others get tumbled into the whirlwind of mental instability due to financial obligations, relationships, and family issues. Irrespective of the cause, responding to the demands of life through stress isn’t ideal, as it can impact your mental and physical well-being. Physically, stress can take the form of tense headaches, digestive issues, muscle pain, and even cardiovascular problems. Mentally, continuous pressure can lead to depression, difficulties in decision-making and concentration, and anxiety. In Mississippi, for instance, 31,000 adults battle some form of mental health condition, according to the National Alliance of Medical Illness. These figures are undeniably alarming.

Knowing how to keep stress at bay is of utmost importance. But the only question is – how?

While many people will tell you to smile more or treat yourself to a nice bowl of ice cream, these options aren’t always going to fix things. What you need is science-backed motivation. To that end, here are a few science-backed ways to manage your stress:

1.  Use CBD Products

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive substance extracted from the cannabis plant. It has been known for its potential to reduce stress. A study in the “Journal of Clinical Investigation” discovered that CBD may help reduce anxiety in individuals with social anxiety disorder, with brain scans showing altered blood flow patterns associated with decreased anxiety levels. So, CBD products, such as inhalers, vapes, patches, supplements, or essential oils, can do wonders for your brain. 
This is increasingly relevant in areas like Greater Vancouver, where services like Same Day Cannabis offer swift delivery to ensure convenient access to such wellness products. And this holds relevance even in regions with evolving cannabis laws, such as Mississippi, where access to medical marijuana is growing.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before exploring CBD options, especially for those considering a Mississippi Medical Marijuana Card, as personalized guidance can ensure safe and effective usage tailored to individual needs.

2.  Get Moving 

Almost any physical exercise can minimize stress. Exercise can drastically increase your feel-good endorphins and other natural neurotransmitters that elevate your mood. Additionally, exercise might help you focus on how your body is performing and burning fat. This diversion proves beneficial in letting go of the worries of your day. So, get moving by taking a stroll, jogging, working in your garden, riding a bike, cleaning your home, lifting weights, swimming, or doing anything else that enables you to exert physically.

3.  Step Right into the Shower (Or Tub) 

For at least a few reasons, a shower can be a strangely effective method to stop the stress reaction. The physiological effects of hot and cold showers on cytokine and neurotransmitter levels range from the reduction of cortisol to the release of endorphins and the elevation of dopamine and oxytocin. Unsurprisingly, both cold and warm showers offer exceptional health benefits. While they’re not proven to reduce chronic stress, they can help alleviate symptoms of mild stress.  

4.  Get Close to Nature 

According to several studies, spending time outdoors has been linked to improved health. Based on reliable research, “nature prescriptions” showed demonstrable impacts on depression and anxiety.

Additionally, past research has discovered that even brief visits to nature can affect mood. Of course, more is better, but even a little bit helps, so if you can get outside to enjoy the fresh air, even if only for a little while, it can prove beneficial in reducing stress.

5.  Create A Vision Board 

Others typically try to discourage us from daydreaming. Still, the reality is that to achieve your goals; you must imagine and visualize them. Constructing and analyzing a vision board with pictures and symbols of your aspirations can be comforting. When you imagine and pen your goals, you feel more optimistic and are motivated to keep going.

6.  Meditate 

By focusing your attention during meditation, you can quiet the constant stream of disorganized emotions that may be stressing you out. The sensation of quiet, peace, and harmony that meditation can provide can improve your physical and mental health.

You can improve your well-being with the help of meditation. Anywhere, at any time, you can practice guided imagery, meditation exercises, visualization, mindfulness, and other types of meditation. You could meditate, for instance, while taking the bus to work, walking, or waiting at the doctor’s office. Consider using an app that demonstrates these exercises. You can also practice deep breathing anytime.

7.  Chew Gum 

Although chewing gum may seem foolish, it can help you feel less stressed. The effects of chewing gum on stress have been the subject of a few studies dating back to 1939. They discovered that seldom chewers who increased their gum consumption due to the experiment had less tension and anxiety. The result might not completely stop your mind from racing, but it might make you feel more at ease.

8.  Unplug

According to British experts, heightened stress levels and the habit of repeatedly checking your smartphone are interlinked. Take it from someone who has occasionally spent days in the middle of nowhere without access to the internet or a cellular connection: you will never feel more at peace. Disconnecting from your devices and considering a digital detox may initially seem unappealing, but the benefits are worth it.

9.  Connect With Others

While you might think isolating yourself when anxious is better, it won’t do you any good. Instead, build social relationships with friends and family. It only takes one supportive friend to make a difference. Social interaction can provide distraction, support, and coping mechanisms so that you can better handle life’s ups and downs. So, go for a coffee break with a buddy, email a family member, or attend church.


It’s comforting to know that science provides a wide range of practical methods for minimizing the negative effects of stress in a world where it has become an unavoidable companion. You may empower yourself to reclaim control over your stress levels by accepting the science-based strategies described in this guide. These techniques, backed by thorough research, give us the tools to weather life’s storms and succeed in the face of difficulty. Incorporating these practices into our daily routines paves the way for a life characterized by grit, equilibrium, and a deep sense of self-care.
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