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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Hema Sundaram MD
360 Makeover New Techniques To Balance Beauty
Sundaram Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Center

360 Makeover New Techniques To Balance Beauty

Todays approach to rejuvenation focuses on restoring youthful facial proportions to make you look younger and better, while preserving your individuality.
Our ideals of facial beauty are preserved across time and cultures. The ideal female face is heart-shaped with a rounded forehead, arched eyebrows, full lips, well-defined cheekbones and a tapered chin. The ideal male face is longer, with lower-set eyebrows and a squarer jawline. We now understand that aging causes volume loss, muscle overactivity and loss of skin elasticity. Volume loss flattens and drops your eyebrows and cheeks, thins your lips and creates under-eye bags and lines around your mouth. Muscle overactivity causes frown lines, worry lines, crows feet and lines on your neck. Loss of skin elasticity results in wrinkles, sagging skin at the jawline and neck, enlarged pores and more noticeable scars. The overall effect is to make your face look longer and your nose more prominent as the middle of your face shrinks away from it. Your skin becomes dull with an uneven texture.
The old approach to these problems was to pull the skin back, insert cheekbone implants and perform a nose reduction. However, this often makes you look “done,” rather than younger. Patients may complain of not looking like themselves anymore, and also dislike the discomfort, down time and scarring. The good news is that todays advanced understanding of the aging process has led to the development of breakthrough new technology that harnesses your bodys own abilities to rejuvenate itself with little or no down time. The exploding popularity of minimally invasive cosmetic surgery is well-documented by the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and other well-respected institutions. You may still need to go under the surgical knife if you have loose, hanging skin folds. But, if you start your rejuvenation plan before its too late, you stand an excellent chance of never having to undergo invasive surgery.
The best way to correct volume loss is with Restylane, Perlane and Juvederm pure biosynthetic forms of the hyaluronic acid that naturally supports your skin and is lost with time. The key to the best results with these fillers is to select a cosmetic surgeon with the skill, experience and artistry to lift your face subtly and beautifully and to stimulate your skin to produce new collagen. Your frown lines, worry lines, crows feet and neck wrinkles can be smoothed out safely and your eyebrow arches restored with tiny amounts of Botox in the right places. An expert surgeon understands how to rebalance overactive muscles while preserving your natural facial expressions and avoiding a frozen look. The newest Fraxel and StarLux lasers can be precisely adjusted to address your own unique pattern of aging, by fading wrinkles, scars, discolorations, spider veins and prominent pores with little or no down time.
The best cosmetic surgeons are actively committed to teaching and research and are recognized as experts by the media and their peers. They can formulate an individualized action plan using the latest technology and techniques, empowering you to balance how you look with how you feel and radiate youth, good health and energy at any age.
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