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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Linda Penkala, Author, LMT
Holding Space For Your Heart In 2025
Optimum Health For Life
. http://www.lindapenkala.com/

Holding Space For Your Heart In 2025

Holding Space For Your Heart In 2025

Mindful Moments to Magnify Health

Research abounds regarding “kicking it up a notch” for health in the New Year! Most statistics focus on the value of exercise, food choices, and weight, all key health indicators. If we put on another lens to see heart fitness differently this year, it may be wise to focus a bit on WORK INS, not only WORKOUTS!

By that, I mean to highlight internal choices that are felt and impact the vibrancy and balance of the entire heart, mind, and body for robust health. Choosing not to, may play into the fact that a woman suffers a heart attack every 100 seconds in the United States, and one in every three women said they would NOT call 911 if they were having a heart attack! There exists room for improvement! These American Heart Association statistics show the need for global awareness and education for women of all ages and ethnicities. The art of denial can result in the dart of death.

Cardiovascular disease kills one in five women, yet the reality is the total is more than all the cancers combined, according to a Sedar-Sinai article: https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/why-the-top-cause-of-death-for-women-has-been-ignored/.


Heart Connections: with Heart Math’s Quick Coherence one-minute technique for balance and clarity, Box Breathing anywhere to regulate breathing and find calm, or EFT tapping on specific acupuncture points to make a profound shift.  

Stillness for Heart Peace: When your brain slows down for prayer and meditation, many bodily processes are enhanced to lessen stress. They both help release feel-good chemicals (oxytocin) in the brain to lower reactivity from negative events and trauma.


Feel the Flow of Each Season: Five-Element Acupuncture offers harmony and balance as each element (water, metal, wood, fire, earth) corresponds to each season. In winter, the water element reminds us to stay hydrated, rest more, and take hot Epsom salt baths to relax.

Volunteer With Other Hearts: Joining a meaningful cause helps build stronger social networks and lowers the risk of dying compared to non-volunteers, according to the AmeriCorps and U.S. Census Bureau (60.7 million people who volunteered from 9/2020 to 12/21).

Be Present with Relaxation and Letting Go: the power of touch for maintaining health is ancient medicine. A regular caring massage with music enhances the ability to be still and present. Acupuncture and yoga allow a feeling of deep relaxation and peace.

               Embracing these WORK IN moments every month to feel your heart in a gentle space of love offers a mini vacation to look forward to all year! Happy Heart New Year!



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