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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Valeria Sanchez
Women's Oral Health
Team Dental at River Oaks
. https://www.teamdentalatriveroaks.com

Women's Oral Health

Healthcare demands are growing, and who is caring for our patients? Primarily women, healthcare is a female dominated field. Women definitely outnumber men in these careers. In the dental field the majority of hygienist and dental assistants are women as well. More than 76% of hospital employees are women, and more than 77% of people who work in doctor's offices are women.

We can't deny that women are growing in healthcare but studies also show that women also require more healthcare then men. According to statistics women tend to visit the doctor more frequently and live longer. One example is women's oral health. For women there are different stages of life. These stages are in many ways related to a woman's hormone levels such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

During puberty, an increased level of hormones causes increased blood circulation to the gums, which will cause sensitivity to the gums making them swollen and tender. In some cases, a dental professional may recommend periodontal therapy to help prevent damage to the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth.

Occasionally, some women experience menstruation gingivitis. Women with this condition may experience bleeding gums, bright red gums, and sores on the inside of the cheeks. Careful monitoring and excellent oral hygiene is especially important for women who may be noticing changes in their mouths during times of hormonal stages.

Overall women's healthcare and women in healthcare continues to grow. Perhaps the reason why women are involved more than men in healthcare careers is because we as women understand the importance of women's health.

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