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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Michael E. King, DDS
What Dental Insurance Do I Get?
Michael King DDS (Mira Dental Care)

What Dental Insurance Do I Get?

This months article is going to help you determine what insurance to get during open season for insurance.

You have probably asked yourself over and over again, “What insurance do I need to cover myself and my family?” I have seen it many times in my office; people have purchased the best coverage, are paying top dollars for it, and need minimal work. I have also seen the opposite, people have purchased the minimal insurance and need mounds of dental work.

If you purchase too much, then you end up spending lots of money monthly for your insurance. If you purchase too little, you end up spending too much on the dental work because you are not adequately covered.

Here is a step by step plan to help you sort through all those insurance companies and pick the one that works best for you

1. Go get a complete exam. By getting a complete exam you will know exactly what you need in your mouth. Your dentist can give you a treatment plan and you can use that to determine the coverage you need. It is well worth it to pay out of pocket for this exam if you are not covered so that you will not waste any money in the future.

2. Select a dentist that you feel comfortable with. If you are not comfortable with the dentist, you will not go. Also, ask them what insurance they take, how you can make payments, etc. This will help you in selecting an insurance to use for coverage.

3. Select your insurance. Now you have enough information to select dental insurance that may best suit your needs.

At the beginning of every open season, re-evaluate your dental needs and update your insurance coverage appropriately.

By staying on top of your dental needs and maximizing your insurance coverage, you may keep from over spending on too much insurance or on too many dental procedures.
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