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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jeffrey L. Brown, DDS
Visual Disturbances and How TMD Issues Might Correlate
Sleep & TMJ Therapy
. http://sleepandtmjtherapy.com/

Visual Disturbances and How TMD Issues Might Correlate

Visual Disturbances and How TMD Issues Might Correlate

It may seem surprising, but when the jaw joints (the TMJs) are out of alignment, this can create visual disturbances. The way to tell if the jaw joints are out of alignment is first by doing a visual exam of the patient. This is simple to do: look at the person and if the eyes and ears are out of alignment, then it is quite likely that the sphenoid bone is out of alignment as well.

The sphenoid is a relatively large bone located directly behind the eyes. When we are born, quite often this bone (and others) is distorted in the birthing process as the head is basically “squished” coming through the birth canal. Research shows that this is quite common. However, in most cases, the skull does not realign completely and keeps the distortion.

It makes more sense that if a person’s sphenoid bone has some distortion to it, then logically there will be some degree of pressure on the eyes, and this can affect the vision. Oftentimes, it is quite easy to identify the sphenoid and if it is distorted by simply looking at the person – are their eyes uneven? Are the eyebrows uneven? If so, then the sphenoid is likely uneven as well, and this can readily cause visual disturbances.

An analogy might help here: if the frame of your car is bent from an accident, then it is likely that the car will ride a bit rough. Similarly, if your cranial bones are bent from trauma (in other words birth) then the vision will be off somewhat. This might seem very rudimentary, but it is true. Oftentimes the simplest observation is the most likely.

Visual disturbances from cranial bone distortions can present as but are not limited to blurry vision, eye strain, pressure behind the eyes, light sensitivity, and moving “spots” in your vision known as floaters. Other TMJ problems can include headaches, jaw pain, neck and back aches as well as jaw joint noises.

So, what does a person do if they are experiencing visual disturbances as related to cranial bone distortions? The ALF appliance is often the first choice in such a case. The ALF is quite a unique little device that it is an orthopedic device that will, over time, reduce intracranial pressure as the bones within the skull become more level and aligned. Through the use of very light, very gentle pressure, the bones within the skull can become more aligned which allows better blood flow and better function of the cranial system.

The ALF was developed many years ago, however, it seems very few practitioners have heard of it. There is a small group of dentists at the ALF Academy who study this remarkable device and are well aware of what it can do. If you find that you are experiencing visual disturbances, seek out an ALF provider and see if the problem might be tied to your jaw joints.

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