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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jaklin Bezik, DDS, MDS
Tooth Extraction Is It Necessary?
Metro Dental Health
. http://metrodentalhealth.com/

Tooth Extraction Is It Necessary?

Have you ever been told that you need to have a tooth extracted? How did you feel about it? Here's a scenario A patient was told she had to have extraction done on a tooth deemed helpless by two different periodontists. She was not happy with this diagnosis and sought another periodontist while looking for a second (or rather third) opinion. It is great that she was looking, researching, and not giving up on her tooth. Of course, the doctors had suggested the extraction because they believed that was the best choice for the patient.

Dental treatments have improved in many ways over the last 30 years, and in some cases, keeping your tooth may be possible. There are many reasons to keep a tooth, including cosmetics, function of enjoying chewing food, sensation of texture of food, speech, and self-confidence.

Many teeth are extracted due to periodontal disease, which is a chronic inflammatory disease that destroys the bone and gum tissues that support the teeth. The American Academy of Periodontology estimates that three out of four Americans are affected by periodontal disease, ranging from mild gingivitis to more severe periodontitis.

Inflammation appears to be a common link between chronic diseases of aging including periodontitis, and cardiovascular disease. As always, early detection and treatment is key. Bleeding of gums, bad breath, movement of teeth, looseness of teeth, swelling of the gums, recession, sensitivity, and discoloration of the gums are some of the signs and symptoms of periodontal problems. Research has suggested that managing the inflammatory burden of periodontal disease may improve the other conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Knowledge of these facts has lead to improvements in early diagnosis of periodontal disease, which is essential if you want to keep your teeth. Depending on the dentist and their background, treatment can progress in different levels. Thanks to improved quality x-rays and instruments, and well-trained dentists and hygienists, there are preventive care programs designed and offered in most dental offices. For some of you that had missed the prevention and are suffering with the damages caused by infection, there are advanced treatment options that your dentist may be able to perform, or you may be referred to a specialist.

If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease and don't want to give up on your teeth just yet, it is important to speak with your dentist about what other options might be available.

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