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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kris Popli, DDS
The Incredible Dental Experience: No Drills. No Needles. No Numbness.
Tysons Laser Center Dentistry

The Incredible Dental Experience: No Drills. No Needles. No Numbness.

The Incredible Dental Experience: No Drills. No Needles. No Numbness.

They used to be the stuff of sci-fi movies but today you can find lasers in the dental office. Lasers have been used in medicine for several years and are now used in state-of-the-art dentistry. Dental laser technology allows dentists to perform most cavity preparations and many soft tissue procedures without using needles, anesthesia, or the drill. The future of dentistry has changed.
Laser light can be focused into a tiny point to do very fine precision work. The Waterlase® laser is driven by cold water energy which can literally vaporize a cavity from a patient’s tooth without ever actually touching it. Since the laser does not produce any vibration or heat, there is no discomfort.
Traditional surgical procedures involve the use of anesthetics, scalpels, and sutures, followed by a sometimes long and uncomfortable healing period. Lasers are gentle on gum tissue and prevent bleeding, so there is no swelling or scarring after a surgical procedure. The dental laser can also be used to reduce tooth sensitivity, remove canker sores, perform gum surgery and root canals.
Hydrokinetic energy is produced by firing laser energy into a spray of atomized water. The water is energized and then is capable of cutting a wide range of human tissue including enamel (the hardest substance in the body), bone, cartilage and soft tissue. Hydrokinetic cutting does not transmit heat to the target tissue whereas other modalities of cutting, such as a high-speed dental drill, laser power and electro-cautery, create heat when cutting tissue. As everyone knows, heat can cause pain.
Hydrokinetic energy can perform numerous dental procedures with little or no pain, virtually eliminating the need for anesthesia in most cases. This breakthrough technology improves your long-term oral health allowing the dentist to perform cavity preparations, gum surgery, and cosmetic and medical procedures without drills or numbness in 98% of cases.
It is recommended that children begin to visit the dentist regularly beginning at the age of three. Many adults have bad childhood memories of dental treatment. Now, children as young as three years old are no longer afraid.
Most patients who have experienced the dental laser are pleased with the results, claiming that it feels like water being sprayed on the teeth. A whole new generation of patients may never know the fear of needles and the shrill of the drill.
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