Sleep & TMJ Therapy
2841 Hartland Road
Suite #301
Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 821-1103
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Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Affects Your Entire Body
The human body is a truly remarkable thing. It is like a finely tuned machine when it runs well, but when it does not, then it really can mess up your life. The TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) is an integral part of whole-body health for all of us. When the disc within the jaw joint slips off the top of the jawbone (the condyle), it can and will pinch upon nerves and blood vessels in that area. And know that there are a lot of nerves and blood vessels traveling through the TM joints!
Displaced discs create an inflammatory reaction within our skull. This can often lead to head and neck pain that can travel down and throughout the rest of the body. Osteopath doctors (along with TMJ specialists) are well aware that a slipped disc in the jaw can directly correlate to ACL problems in the knees. It may seem far fetched to some of our dear readers, but it is quite true.
An easier to understand concept is that if the discs are slipped off the condyles, this will cause an asymmetry to the jaw and it will tip to one side or the other. Then, the neck compensates by tipping as well, and over time this can lead to turning and twisting of the back. The importance of the TM joint cannot be understated. Your entire body depends on this little joint being symmetrical and with the discs in proper position. Otherwise, the whole body is affected.
When there is a TMJ problem, quite often the neck is also out of alignment. This can contribute to OSA- Obstructive Sleep Apnea- because a twisted neck tightens up the airway and reduces the ability of the body to breathe properly. Then you add on the inflammation in the joints and you end up with a very upset system. By treating the TMJ disorder, this helps to get the joints lined up more symmetrically, helps the discs to get back on the condyle where they belong, and helps the neck to line up better as well. All these can contribute to better sleep and better breathing.
One of the far less discussed aspects of TMJ disorder is a little thing called happiness. That’s right, if you have TMJ disorder you are far more likely to live with pain, lack of sleep, less ability to focus, and a whole host of other problems to deal with. And because of all the health problems associated with TMJ disorder, you are nowhere near as likely to be happy with your life.
As a TMD practitioner, every day of the week people come to the office and tell me how they now have their lives back. They can sleep better, focus better, have less pain and enjoy being with friends and family so much more. By wearing simple little devices in their mouth, they can function and feel better than ever before. This is what TMJ treatment can do for you.
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