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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Celeste Balino, DDS
Seeing the Light in Cavity Detection
King Centre Dental
. http://www.kingcentredental.com/

Seeing the Light in Cavity Detection

When people imagine a dental cavity, they commonly think of an ugly, “bombed-out” tooth with unsightly brown areas; however, many teeth with cavities can appear unassuming and even healthy. These cavities can be attributed to small grooves in the top enamel layer. The tooth grooves act as openings for bacteria to enter the inner tooth structure. Once bacteria have infiltrated these clefts, the bacteria can rapidly cause decay by destroying the softer tooth layer underneath the enamel.

Traditionally, dentists have relied on examining teeth with fine picks and x-rays to find tooth decay; however, this protocol can miss over 40% of dental cavities. Fine instruments often miss small cavities within the tooth grooves. Radiographs or x-rays display tooth decay when it has already advanced deep into the tooth structure. Large cavities typically warrant huge fillings or more complex dental treatment.

Early cavity detection with a laser light detector surpasses the traditional protocol by diagnosing 90% of dental cavities and stopping cavity progression in its initial stages.

How Is Laser Light Used In Cavity Detection?

The use of laser light is at the forefront of early cavity detection. The health status of a tooth is determined by the level of reflection of the light that passes through the tooth. Light effortlessly passes through a healthy tooth structure but has a more difficult time penetrating through decayed teeth.

Cavity screening involves the dentist shining harmless laser light from a pen-like instrument on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. During the screening, a numerical reading will appear on the laser detector. These measurements can verify the density of the tooth structure and help determine decay. High numerical readings indicate that the tooth is compromised with decay and will likely need dental treatment such as a filling.

If the laser light measurements are low, a filling may not be indicated, but a dentist can still treat these weakened tooth surfaces. If a small cavity is detected, dental sealants can be applied to the tooth after cleaning the infected layer. Also, prescription fluoride toothpastes and rinses may be used to prevent cavity formation.

Advantages of Laser Light Cavity Detection

Scanning for decay with a laser light takes less than 5 minutes. The light is harmless to both teeth and soft tissue. The procedure is painless, so no needle injections are used. The laser screening requires no additional exposure to radiation for x-rays. Early cavity detection means less involved treatment and less time in the dental chair, which ultimately saves patients from more expensive, complex dental treatment.

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